I was asked what seemed at the time the funniest question ever, wait it still is the funniest question, "What would you like your partner to do during football games?" My response, which has to be the most inappropriate response ever, but it was the first thing I thought so it came flying out of my mouth. What was my response you ask? My response was "I'd like for my partner to shut the hell up during football games!" Lmao... As inappropriate as the response may be I couldn't help myself. Of course I did some serious back peddling in my head before the response even finished spewing out of my mouth... "But of course babe you can watch with me and you can talk as much as you want." Lol... Get real we both know I won't be listening to anything she has to say until a commercial comes on.
It is too long between football seasons and I'm hating every minute! This years football season will suck so bad because I'll be starting my new job and being the "rookie" in a new job means I'll probably be working a lot of Sundays and closing a lot of Mondays. I will cry but it'll all be worth it... That's what I keep telling myself anyway. I'll be doin a lot of dvr'ing and staying off FB so I don't get spoilers... That is the life of being the "rookie" during football season. Smh... It's all good.
That is all
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