Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Marriage equality and the ignorance that followed...

I have sat back since Friday and entertained myself with the ignorance on social media and in the news about marriage equality. To be honest I have seen and heard ignorance from both sides and it is rather disturbing, now that I am looking back on it, how fuckin' ignorant people are being over basic human rights.

I find it disturbing that I have seen pics of Jesus kissing a man and the American flag replaced by the rainbow flag in the Iwo Jima statue... WTF kinda shit is that?!! Let's have a little more class than that, people. I get that we are proud and excited about the ruling but don't forget better judgement and respect for something sacred to others. We are not even close to where we should be yet and we need to remember, as long as there are individuals out there still trying to refuse our rights, we have more important things to do than to paste meme's on social media depicting things in history. Let's make our own and keep it moving.

Now for the individuals who have been throwing out bible versus against marriage equality... SMDH seriously?!! Did you actually read the bible and sit down with someone who has studied it inside out upside down and backwards? While you are throwing stones you need to remember that you also live in a glass house. One fool even said I will pray for you. *Blank stare* Pray for me for what?!! For loving someone so deeply it hurts. For wanting to be with this woman for the rest of my life and having society realize that it isn't an abomination to love her that hard? Go fuck yourself... Oh wait that would be an abomination! I don't want anyone who's "God" feels that my love is any less than a heterosexual individuals praying for me. I don't want to even be affiliated with a "God" who would allow individuals to pass judgement and cast out individuals who at the end of the day want the same things as a heterosexual couple. I'll continue to pray to the God that I think is just and fair and who loves all mankind as they are!!!

It's funny when you get down to it all I really want is the same rights under the law as a heterosexual couple. I want Kari to be able to make decisions for me when I am no longer capable. I want her to be able to come into the hospital room without hesitation if something ever happened to me. I want everything that we work for together to be safe from anyone who feels they have more claim on it than myself or her. I watched "If These Walls Could Talk 2" and I don't want that happening to me EVER!!! 

To me "Marriage Equality" is my rights under the law, not in between the covers of someone's hypocritical bible...

That is all...

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The little things make a difference

I have been thinking a lot about a lot of things. I was thinking about how people feel that they have to be like Martin Luther King Jr. or like Ghandi or Mother Theresa... They think that they have to be a big name and make a lot of noise to make a difference. It's funny cause I always thought the same thing until I chatted with a wise old man I call Geeps. We were talking about segregation and how he couldn't understand how black people could degrade themselves by going to the back door of an establishment to get food. He said he refused to give white people his money if he couldn't go in and sit down and have his meal. He said why in the hell would he give someone his money when they obviously didn't want him in their place. He told me that he would take a loaf of bread and bologna and sit under a tree and eat his lunch. It got me to thinking that this man was never famous. He never gave a great speech. He never wrote a book. This was a man that stood on his principles and in the process made a few others understand that they did not have to sell themselves short for back door scraps from people who didn't respect or really want their business. Did he reach the masses... Nope but he did reach a couple people in the process. 

If you ever sit back and think about it, Rosa Parks wasn't trying to get famous she was just tired. She wasn't trying to prove a point or trying to change the world she was just trying to get home after a hard days work. But it's funny how something so simple made a whole nation stand up and take notice.

I may never reach the masses, I may never give a great speech, I may never write a book and I may never be famous but I can make a difference. I figure if I can reach one person... Make one person change their view or see things in a different light then I have made a difference. You don't have to reach the masses you just have to stay true to your convictions to make a difference.

That is all...