Saturday, June 20, 2015

The little things make a difference

I have been thinking a lot about a lot of things. I was thinking about how people feel that they have to be like Martin Luther King Jr. or like Ghandi or Mother Theresa... They think that they have to be a big name and make a lot of noise to make a difference. It's funny cause I always thought the same thing until I chatted with a wise old man I call Geeps. We were talking about segregation and how he couldn't understand how black people could degrade themselves by going to the back door of an establishment to get food. He said he refused to give white people his money if he couldn't go in and sit down and have his meal. He said why in the hell would he give someone his money when they obviously didn't want him in their place. He told me that he would take a loaf of bread and bologna and sit under a tree and eat his lunch. It got me to thinking that this man was never famous. He never gave a great speech. He never wrote a book. This was a man that stood on his principles and in the process made a few others understand that they did not have to sell themselves short for back door scraps from people who didn't respect or really want their business. Did he reach the masses... Nope but he did reach a couple people in the process. 

If you ever sit back and think about it, Rosa Parks wasn't trying to get famous she was just tired. She wasn't trying to prove a point or trying to change the world she was just trying to get home after a hard days work. But it's funny how something so simple made a whole nation stand up and take notice.

I may never reach the masses, I may never give a great speech, I may never write a book and I may never be famous but I can make a difference. I figure if I can reach one person... Make one person change their view or see things in a different light then I have made a difference. You don't have to reach the masses you just have to stay true to your convictions to make a difference.

That is all...

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