Saturday, November 15, 2014

Road Rage

OK so Kari has informed me that I have road rage on numerous occasions. We have been in the Jeep chatting away and some moron will cut me off and in mid sentence I will be cussing my brains out and wishing it was Summer so my cussing wouldn't go to waste... LOL ignorant I know but I don't care!
Now the other day courtesy of the genius who decided not to salt the roads knowing there was a possibility of snow... There was an accident down from my house. I live on a damn hill so these morons directed these fools up the hill. Some dipshit decided to park his fuckin car on the damn hill next to the damn stop sign at the top, so the traffic got backed up. GO FIGURE!!! So now the even bigger dipshits watched me slide through the stop sign going down the hill and decided at that moment to make a U-turn in the street.... *DUMB DOG LOOK* WHY in the fuck would you do a U-turn in front of me after you just watched me slide down the fuckin hill?!! For the love of all that is HOLY use some fuckin common sense!!!
I was sitting at a stoplight and the light for me was green for a good little bit. This damn mini van, woman on the damn phone, rode through her red light like she was 5.0 chasing someone. Then when people were honking and slamming on brakes she looked up like WTF, looked at the light saw it was red and stopped in the middle of the fucking street. WTF are you stopping for now?!!!
Now you can call it what you want but I call it justified! It's not like I got out and beat them with a ball bat or shot them drive-by style... All I did was cuss my brains out (wishing it were nice out), maybe flipped them off and honked a lot... LMAO... SUE ME!!!
Now that she is driving and about to deal with stupid she will understand the manic behavior and I can't wait to remind her about my road rage... LOL

That is all...

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