Friday, November 14, 2014

2 reasons why women stay in abusive relationships

I asked this woman why do women stay in bad relationships when they have a way out and she told me for 2 reasons...
1-- They don't think they can do better &
2-- Sex
SMH... So of course I asked a bunch more questions like I was a reporter and shit!

She told me that she has stayed for both reasons. She said that when you grow up and watch your dad or another male figure treat your mom like shit and or beat on her you just assume that that is the way relationships are supposed to be. She told me that a lot of the women that she hangs with are still in abusive relationships because they feel that if their man isn't hitting on them then they don't love them.
*BLANK STARE* Now y'all already know this sounds like some bullshit to me! I don't give a damn that's some ignorant thinking to me. So I keep on asking.
She told me that when you get beat down and have something drilled in your head your whole life and you don't get to see a healthy relationship then how are you supposed to think? She continued to tell me that the boys are the same... They continue the ignorance when they grow up because "Hey mom is ok with it so then that's the way it's supposed to be". Until they find that woman who isn't ok with it and start fighting back or leave.
I did get that... A product of your environment. I was lucky in that I had a mom who is a fighter. She didn't play that hitting on her bullshit... THANK GOD!!! She taught me that you don't have to put up with any kind of bullshit. You have to be strong enough to stand on your own two feet in order to be in a healthy relationship with someone. My mom was by herself for a lot of years and she was ok with it. As crazy as my mom is I will say that I wouldn't trade her for the world!!!

Now the second part of her reasons why women stay...  SEX!!! Now this one I still am not wrapping my head around. I said "There's not a DICK..." I had to laugh on that one "Or a PIECE OF ASS that would make me stick around in a bad relationship or stay and get my ass kicked!!!" She said I'd be surprised how many women do. SO... I asked the question on the site that I'm on and I'll be DAMNED!!! There were women who said they stayed for the sex. I asked what is it about someones's sex game that would make you stay and I got crickets. That's ok though because they answered the important question.
She told me that it's hard to find a sexual partner that can put it on you so when you do find that person then you will hang on to them for dear life. I'd rather have a mediocre partner than get my ass kicked or treated like shit in my relationship. Why the hell can't you just be friends with benefits? I mean you still get what you want without all the drama!

I will say that she cleared up a lot of things for me. Especially since I keep getting told I'm insensitive when it comes to domestic abuse. It's not that I was trying to be insensitive I was just trying to understand why someone would stay when they have the opportunity to leave. When you are not brought up in the environment it's hard to wrap your head around the why's. And yea some of you will ask "Why does it matter?" Because it's in the news and plastered everywhere... Thats's why!
I think if you are trying to inform the public you need to remember that not all of the public has gone through domestic abuse and in my case I saw it but not for long. I watched women leave as hard as it may have been they left. So... To watch a woman stay when she could get out is hard to understand. Now I do! Thanks to a young lady who was real and honest.
I know I'm late on this but I saw a commercial while watching football with players saying they won't ignore it again. What about the law who ignores it every fuckin day?!! Why aren't they gone after and made to go on commercials saying the same thing? It's happening every day and these women's only protection is a piece of paper... Because a piece of paper has always been stronger than a bullet or a knife! That piece of paper must have super powers that I just haven't seen in my lifetime!
These friggin "media chasers" piss me off!!! They got their several days of fame off of the NFL and then disappeared... SMH... Gotta love it!
More power to the people working hard every day who aren't all over the news trying to make a difference!!!

That is all...

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