Thursday, November 27, 2014

No one can make you happy...

OK... I'm thrown off by the whole "I need someone to make me happy" mindset that some women have. I am so friggin tired of women thinking they have to have someone in their life in order to make them happy. NOOOO you friggin idiot!!! No one can make you happy... Yes you can have bouts of happiness with someone but NO ONE I repeat NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY EXCEPT YOU!!!!

MOM MOMENT... My mom used to tell me all the time that I need to be able to be by myself and do for myself in order to have a successful relationship. She said that you have to make your own happiness in order to be happy, which also makes for a successful relationship. She told me no one is going to make you happy if you can't make you happy! Love that woman for all the wisdom and craziness that she has bestowed upon my life...

Now for those of you who didn't have a Karen, my mom by the way, bestowing wisdom upon you then let me help you out... NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY EXCEPT YOU!!! You have got to be able to make your own way. You have to know you are more than the person you date. You can do anything you set your mind to and don't let anyone especially the person who you are in a relationship with, the person who claims to love you, tell you "you ain't shit". Because guess what you won't be shit if you listen to the bullshit and stay in that kind of relationship. You can't become anything if you choose to stay with someone who isn't about shit! And let me tell you anyone telling you "you ain't shit" or "you won't amount to shit" isn't about shit and knows that you can do better than their raggedy ass!!!

I don't care if you are dating or married to a billionaire if they are telling you "you ain't shit" or "you won't amount to shit" then they know they can't do better. (Take 1/2 and leave if you're married.. LOL) They know that no one with self worth will put up with their raggedy ass attitude so they will continue to put you down to make you stay because they know they can't do better. So know your worth! Find your worth! Don't let anyone ever hold you down! It may be hard but at the end it will be worth it... And I promise you will find your happiness and someone who is worth sharing that happiness with but never settle just because you don't think you can do better. You will do better if you want better and be patient.

That is all...

1 comment:

  1. This was amazing. I use to be "THAT" woman who relied on relationships, people, and or things to make me happy! I finally learned that since NO-ONE knows me more than ME, only I can make myself happy!
    Thank you for sharing this!
