Thursday, October 23, 2014

Worthless family... You didn't earn it so how do you "deserve" anything

It blows my mind that people will spend so much time trying to get from others instead of putting that energy towards getting their own. It blows my mind that they spend so much time thinking of ways to get themselves in Wills instead of putting that energy into getting their own. It blows my mind that they use manipulation and if that doesn't work intimidation to get what they haven't worked for. It really shouldn't blow my mind but it does.

I sit and listen to all the crazy questions and the manipulation to get what they haven't worked for and it makes me wanna snap. I work my ass off and yes I live with my Geeps but I have never asked for one dime since I have been here. He has tried to give me money and I don't take it because I don't need it. I live here because when it's all said and done he does not need to be living on his own. And I'll be damned if he gets put in a "home". He can still do his own thing... Maybe not as fast or as accurate but he can still do his thing. He is not losing his mind nor memory and is still on it mentally. So as long as he is capable, I am willing to just be his "pain in the ass" LOL

I have walked in from work and the house is filled with smoke, he's passed out in his chair, because he started cooking something and fell to sleep. I know he is on ladders and has fallen off but he won't tell me that unless I push and push him to tell me why he's limping around. I know when he's not feeling well or when he hasn't taken his pills in a couple days. I know when he is catching a cold and when he needs to stop eating a ton of sugar stuff. I know a lot more than he thinks I do and that's ok because that makes him feel more independent.

The thing that probably pisses me off the most is that these fools keep bugging him for money and asking him what's in his Will. Telling him that they should be getting more than anyone else and so and so forth. *Blank stare* How in the fuck do you think you "deserve" something that you didn't work for? How do you feel like you "deserve" to get everything when he's already giving you everything. My Geeps sends money to certain relatives like it grows on trees and he thinks I don't know but trust and believe I know. He was told that I, ME, THE PERSON WHO HAS BEEN HERE FOR THE LAST 6 YEARS, shouldn't get anything because (I, ME) am not related. *Dumb dog look* REALLY DUMB ASS?!! The last time I checked my grandmother is/ was your mother... FUCKIN MORON!!! No... Geeps and I are not related by blood but at the end of the day he's my Geeps!!! I'd give my life for the little old man!!!

While I'm at this rant lets clear a couple things up...
1) I never asked to be in the Will. As a matter of fact I told him to give it to the great-grand kids
2) I have NEVER since I've been here asked for anything and that includes the house. However, I'll be damned if some drugged out, crack head, jail ridden piece of worthless shit fuck up gets this house!!! I'll burn the mothafucka to the ground first. Hell I'd rather see him Will it to the dogs first...
3) Anyone that doesn't believe me can suck on one because frankly I don't give a fuck what you believe!!! Because I know which one of y'all are asking for shit, talking shit, NOT calling or visiting when you say you will, those of you who have stolen from them and the list goes on...

If you have an older relative show some fuckin respect!!! When you are talking about Wills and what you should get it makes it seem like you can't wait for them to die so you can get some shit. How about call or visit every so often? Check up on them and see how they are doing without asking for shit... Just a thought!

That is all...

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