Friday, October 3, 2014

I'm sorry... Not always!

Honestly I hate when someone says "I'm sorry"to me after they have done something ridiculously stupid. Do you even know what the hell it is that pissed me off in the first place that would prompt you to say "I'm sorry"? Or are you just saying those stupid ass words because I got pissed off? I'd say most people are just clueless as to why they are apologizing!

If for some reason I piss someone off or upset them the first thing I do is ask what I said or did so wrong to get them that upset. If it's something I feel requires an apology then I will apologize. My apology will be sincere and you can bet I'll never say or do whatever it is that upset you ever again. However, if I feel that you got all butt hurt because I told you something that you just didn't want to hear... UMM suck it up Buttercup because I'm not going to apologize. I don't care if you don't agree with what I have to say. That doesn't warrant an apology, that's one of those times where a discussion is in order. I'm NEVER EVER going to apologize for having an opinion and neither should anyone else.

My mom told me "I told you so..." so many damn times during and after my last break up that my butt was raw...LOL. I didn't want to hear it at all but it's my moms and it is her job to make sure my head is out of my ass so that I do not make the same dumb ass mistake again. You know like date a POS ever again in life! I don't expect my mom to apologize because I was in my feelings about a dumb ass mistake I made.

If you upset someone because of something ridiculously stupid you did and you have no idea what that ridiculously stupid thing is that you did, then by all means ask. Don't just say "I'm sorry" because you think it will fix the situation. Because it WON"T!!! Why you ask... Because the apology was not sincere. How can an apology be sincere when you have no idea what  you are apologizing for? Hell for that matter you may not even feel you want to apologize so how about asking before you do so.

I'd really rather not hear an apology. I'd rather for you to fix the situation and never do whatever stupid ass thing you did to have to apologize in the first place. I'd rather you stay out of my face until you have fixed the issue. And if you really need to apologize for your own peace of mind then by all means say "I'm sorry" but know it will mean absolutely nothing unless your actions reflect your apology.

That is all...

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