Thursday, October 23, 2014

Worthless family... You didn't earn it so how do you "deserve" anything

It blows my mind that people will spend so much time trying to get from others instead of putting that energy towards getting their own. It blows my mind that they spend so much time thinking of ways to get themselves in Wills instead of putting that energy into getting their own. It blows my mind that they use manipulation and if that doesn't work intimidation to get what they haven't worked for. It really shouldn't blow my mind but it does.

I sit and listen to all the crazy questions and the manipulation to get what they haven't worked for and it makes me wanna snap. I work my ass off and yes I live with my Geeps but I have never asked for one dime since I have been here. He has tried to give me money and I don't take it because I don't need it. I live here because when it's all said and done he does not need to be living on his own. And I'll be damned if he gets put in a "home". He can still do his own thing... Maybe not as fast or as accurate but he can still do his thing. He is not losing his mind nor memory and is still on it mentally. So as long as he is capable, I am willing to just be his "pain in the ass" LOL

I have walked in from work and the house is filled with smoke, he's passed out in his chair, because he started cooking something and fell to sleep. I know he is on ladders and has fallen off but he won't tell me that unless I push and push him to tell me why he's limping around. I know when he's not feeling well or when he hasn't taken his pills in a couple days. I know when he is catching a cold and when he needs to stop eating a ton of sugar stuff. I know a lot more than he thinks I do and that's ok because that makes him feel more independent.

The thing that probably pisses me off the most is that these fools keep bugging him for money and asking him what's in his Will. Telling him that they should be getting more than anyone else and so and so forth. *Blank stare* How in the fuck do you think you "deserve" something that you didn't work for? How do you feel like you "deserve" to get everything when he's already giving you everything. My Geeps sends money to certain relatives like it grows on trees and he thinks I don't know but trust and believe I know. He was told that I, ME, THE PERSON WHO HAS BEEN HERE FOR THE LAST 6 YEARS, shouldn't get anything because (I, ME) am not related. *Dumb dog look* REALLY DUMB ASS?!! The last time I checked my grandmother is/ was your mother... FUCKIN MORON!!! No... Geeps and I are not related by blood but at the end of the day he's my Geeps!!! I'd give my life for the little old man!!!

While I'm at this rant lets clear a couple things up...
1) I never asked to be in the Will. As a matter of fact I told him to give it to the great-grand kids
2) I have NEVER since I've been here asked for anything and that includes the house. However, I'll be damned if some drugged out, crack head, jail ridden piece of worthless shit fuck up gets this house!!! I'll burn the mothafucka to the ground first. Hell I'd rather see him Will it to the dogs first...
3) Anyone that doesn't believe me can suck on one because frankly I don't give a fuck what you believe!!! Because I know which one of y'all are asking for shit, talking shit, NOT calling or visiting when you say you will, those of you who have stolen from them and the list goes on...

If you have an older relative show some fuckin respect!!! When you are talking about Wills and what you should get it makes it seem like you can't wait for them to die so you can get some shit. How about call or visit every so often? Check up on them and see how they are doing without asking for shit... Just a thought!

That is all...

Sunday, October 5, 2014

A shoe surprise...

I ordered this pair of shoes... I know you're all surprised by that! Lol... Anyway shut up! So I get this e-mail that says "We’ve got a surprise for you—your order has shipped! We’ve also included your tracking info, so you can track your order to its final destination." 

What I want to know is what's the surprise? I ordered the shoes and I paid for the shoes so how is them sending the shoes that I ordered a surprise to me? I mean I guess it could be a surprise that it only took them 2 days instead of a week to ship my shoes but where is the surprise? It's not even a surprise that I bought shoes nor is it a surprise that they are shipping the shoes that I bought. I'm so confused!!! 

What would be a surprise for them is if they didn't ship the shoes I paid for and I called them losing my mind. But even that wouldn't really be a surprise. I guess I'll be surprised when my shoes show up and they are red... Wait... That's the color I ordered!

That is all... SURPRISED?!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Make up...

Ok so I'm having this conversation with Kari and she's laughing because she says that it's funny that I'm with a woman who owns tons of make-up yet doesn't wear it on a regular basis and I don't like make-up. I told her that it's not that I don't like make-up its that I don't like that shit messing up my clothes. I'm wearing a $50 white shirt and you wanna kiss my neck... MISS... And now my $50 white shirt, that took me forever and a day to find, is reduced to a rag if that crap doesn't come out.

I'm really not into high maintenance women so most of the women I have dated only wore make-up when we were going out so we both are dressed nice. It never fails that the one time she wants to cry or lay her head on my shoulder and kiss my neck is the night I'm wearing a light colored shirt or sweater! I get that we went to some sappy girly movie and she got all emotional, but do you really have to lay your head on my light colored shirt or sweater and cry?!! I mean you just got all that damn mascara all over my damn $50 white shirt that took me forever to find because we all know there aren't many out there that fit correctly! Or we get a little tipsy while at dinner or out at some party and she gets all frisky but do you have to kiss my neck with the brightest damn lipstick in the universe on?!! And of course it couldn't be the lipstick that doesn't smear it has to be that cheap crap that you can dye your hair for the rest of your life. Making my shirt look like it has been tie dyed!!!

I think make-up, if not over done, is sexy but when it looks worse than BOZO the clown... SMH! It's caked on so friggin thick that when you go to take it off your whole face print is on a towel and the make-up hasn't even been washed off completely. That's doin too much people! And what in the hell is with penciling in eyebrows? If you have perfectly good eyebrows why in the hell do you shave them off and then pencil them back in? Why don't you just get them plucked, thread them or have a barber straight razor them? I just don't understand... Please explain this phenomenon.

I think when wearing make-up you should call your date and ask them what color they are wearing so that you choose the appropriate washability of the make-up. I think if I am paying for the date I should not also have to pay for a new shirt or sweater!

That is all... LMAO... I'm sure I'll catch hell for this one!!!

Naked pics... Social suicide?

I was sitting here scrolling through FB and I was thinking about women who send perfectly good strangers a naked pic of themselves. I know when I was sent naked or half naked pics from this chick that I barely knew I became a 16 year old boy. I showed everybody that would look. And of course I have a lot of guy friends so they wanted to see the crazy fool who sent me the pics. I don't care whether the chick had the body of a goddess or a troll doll I was showing the pics.

Am I wrong for that? *SHRUG* More than likely yes... Maybe... I'm not sure! When people get naked pics of a total stranger you better believe they are sharing your pic all over everywhere. You may as well count on at least 10 other people seeing that pic. And you better pray they don't blast your pic all over every social media site they can find. And for the love of all that is holy do not take a naked pic with your face in the pic!!! Social suicide if the stranger decides to be an ass and leaks the pic!

Here's what it amounts to in my head anyway. How little respect do you have for yourself that you would send a perfect stranger a naked pic of yourself? Do you think that a perfect stranger has any respect for someone who sends them a naked pic of themselves? For me the answer would be a big fat NO on both counts. I will have absolutely no respect for a woman who would send me a pic of herself without even knowing me from Adam. What loyalty do I have to a stranger? Absolutely NONE!

Is it ignorant of me to turn into a 16 year old boy when a perfect stranger sends me a naked pic? Of course it is, but I swear I have a shit ton of testosterone running through my veins! I am mostly surprised that someone would actually send me naked pics when I don't know them. It is hazardous to someones health to send me a naked pic of themselves because I will guarantee you that at least 10 people will see that pic. And believe me I'd say "NOOO girl I won't show anyone your pic." If someone ever has that answer to your dumb question of "Will you show anybody?" know that in their head they have already showed that pic to half their friends. Quite possibly weighing their morals whether they will post that pic on FB. The first thing out of my mouth when I show my fools naked pics is "I can't believe this fool just sent my dumb ass a naked pic. Look at this shit!"

I would suggest a little discretion when sending someone naked pics. I would suggest that you don't send a near or perfect stranger a naked pic first and foremost. I would also suggest if you do decide to send naked pics then at least crop your face out of the pic. Also if you have any markings that could incriminate you later you may want to photoshop the pic. Just in case you send your pic to a near stranger that may be reduced to a 16 year old boy...

That is all...

I'm sorry... Not always!

Honestly I hate when someone says "I'm sorry"to me after they have done something ridiculously stupid. Do you even know what the hell it is that pissed me off in the first place that would prompt you to say "I'm sorry"? Or are you just saying those stupid ass words because I got pissed off? I'd say most people are just clueless as to why they are apologizing!

If for some reason I piss someone off or upset them the first thing I do is ask what I said or did so wrong to get them that upset. If it's something I feel requires an apology then I will apologize. My apology will be sincere and you can bet I'll never say or do whatever it is that upset you ever again. However, if I feel that you got all butt hurt because I told you something that you just didn't want to hear... UMM suck it up Buttercup because I'm not going to apologize. I don't care if you don't agree with what I have to say. That doesn't warrant an apology, that's one of those times where a discussion is in order. I'm NEVER EVER going to apologize for having an opinion and neither should anyone else.

My mom told me "I told you so..." so many damn times during and after my last break up that my butt was raw...LOL. I didn't want to hear it at all but it's my moms and it is her job to make sure my head is out of my ass so that I do not make the same dumb ass mistake again. You know like date a POS ever again in life! I don't expect my mom to apologize because I was in my feelings about a dumb ass mistake I made.

If you upset someone because of something ridiculously stupid you did and you have no idea what that ridiculously stupid thing is that you did, then by all means ask. Don't just say "I'm sorry" because you think it will fix the situation. Because it WON"T!!! Why you ask... Because the apology was not sincere. How can an apology be sincere when you have no idea what  you are apologizing for? Hell for that matter you may not even feel you want to apologize so how about asking before you do so.

I'd really rather not hear an apology. I'd rather for you to fix the situation and never do whatever stupid ass thing you did to have to apologize in the first place. I'd rather you stay out of my face until you have fixed the issue. And if you really need to apologize for your own peace of mind then by all means say "I'm sorry" but know it will mean absolutely nothing unless your actions reflect your apology.

That is all...