Friday, August 29, 2014

Just beyond ignorant!!!

I shouldn't even have to tell you why this has got to be the most ignorant shit I've seen in a couple days. This is so damn ignorant that it has taken me a couple days just to wrap my head around this ignorant crap. I mean did this dude even think about that dumb ass shirt before he put that shit on his body. Does this dude even watch the news? I'm not trying to down play this child being killed but this guy obviously missed the memo of what ISIS is about. It's not like they're some little gang banger down the street doin drive-bys in the neighborhood. These mothafuckas are stealing people and torturing them and OH BY THE WAY... BEHEADING THEM!!! I don't know about you but I think I'll take my chances with the rogue ass cops! I bet the people that ISIS has tortured and killed right now would take dealing with the rogue police fools over ISIS any day! 

That is all... Maybe...

People make me sick

I've been watching a little of the news lately just to keep up on what's going on in the world. There is so much damn violence and it seems like the police shooting unarmed individuals, including their own, is out of control. I have stuff to say about these shootings but that's another blog. As I'm watching the news with Geeps I'm scrolling thru my FB page and I see this article about Tia and Tamara Mowry and the article is about one of their baby's hair. *BLANK STARE* SERIOUSLY?!!! Mind you I'm watching the news and I'm seeing stories about a reporter getting beheaded, a young black kid getting killed by the police, another young white dude getting killed by the police, some group called ISIS holding an American woman for ransom and these ignorant fuckers are discussing a little boy's hair.

PEOPLE MAKE ME SICK!!! These damn fools have nothing more interesting in their lives to talk about so they have to talk about what a baby's hair looks like? I mean he's a baby... What the hell do you want this woman to do with that boy's hair, put a damn perm in it?!! The boy has crazy curly sorta hair and it's summer time and its been humid. I don't even have much hair and it's been doin crazy shit. I mean what the hell does your hair do when it's humid and you sweat? I bet that shit doesn't stay like you put it when you walked out the damn house!

These are probably the same damn people who when little Gabby was kicking ass at the Olympics were talking about her roots being nappy. This fool was worried about winning the Olympics not about her damn roots being nappy. What the fuck do you want her to do... Have a salon set up on the balancing beam and between flips have someone press her hair when she lands?!! The girl was SWEATING people! Guess what happens when you sweat... YOUR DAMN HAIR GETS NAPPY IF YOU"RE BLACK!!! Why do you think you hear some black women talking about "OH HELL NO I just got my hair done!" it has nothing to do with it getting messed up it has everything to do with if they sweat that shit will get nappy!

PEOPLE MAKE ME SICK!!! How about you worry about your own damn bad ass kids out here skipping school, little fools can't spell worth a damn, barely potty trained before they go to kindergarten, kids out here dirty as hell but WAIT... Your hair is done so it's OK for you to talk about something that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of life!

Shut the hell up PLEASE!!! People please get your damn priorities together. A child's hair isn't priority as long as that child is well taken care of and I bet you both Tia and Tamara Mowery as well as little Gabby's needs are well taken care of, including their damn hair!


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Racist ignorance... Bucket challenge

We all at this point have seen about a million "bucket challenges" running across our news feeds. To be honest I am rather sick of them but I'm not complaining because before this annoying challenge I had no idea what ALS was and how it affected a persons whole entire life. To be conscience of what's going on around you and not be able to control any of it... I couldn't imagine the extreme torture of the disease.

Today as I'm scrolling thru my FB page I run across this other "bucket challenge". Actually it was an original "bucket torture" designed to break down "big bucks" during slavery days. The person that posted the story actually compared the 'bucket challenge" to the horrific torture of male slaves. Saying that the "bucket challenge" was glorifying slavery. *BLANK STARE* Are you fuckin kiddin me with this shit?!! Do you really think a young white man who is basically being tortured in his own damn body gave one fucking thought of a torture device meant for slaves when he came up with the idea of the "bucket challenge"? To be honest I had no idea that was a torture device back in the day and I'm betting neither did the young man. To be honest it's rather befitting because he is being tortured in his own fuckin body. Think about it for a moment... The disease shuts down your neural responses, makes simple every day activities seem like hell on earth, it breaks you down physically as well as mentally. So yes as horrific as the "bucket torture" was isn't that what this disease is doing to these people... Breaking them down... Torturing them?!!

It fucking sickens me that this idiot and the idiots that agreed with his ignorant post are so busy trying to find a racist message in a challenge that raised awareness. Instead of putting that energy in finding a hidden meaning in something that was meant to raise awareness how about raising awareness in the community. How about putting your energies into saving the youth of the community. How about educating these young people who are killing themselves every day, the young people out here getting pregnant at a young age, the kids who think there isn't any other way than to be on the streets, how about helping them see a different way out?

If shock factor is what you're going for with the dumb ass post then yea I'm shocked that you are that damn ignorant! What would be even more of a shock is if the person who posted the pic actually did his fuckin research because in actuality the device was used in the torture of prisoners both black and white during the 1850's. Actually I shouldn't be shocked. I'd be shocked if the person that posted this bullshit used their ability to look shit up on line and helped out in their community. I would probably pass out and fall over if that happened.

This irritated the fuck out of me!!! I spend so much time talking to kids and telling them my story. Not that I came from a horrible situation but let me tell you it wasn't ideal. Just because you come from what looks like a good situation doesn't mean there wasn't more under the surface and I have some buried stuff. I try to let them know that there are alternative ways... Yes it's way harder to stay on the straight and narrow and yes it may be a lot harder but at the end of the day what's more important... Having pride in what you have accomplished or ending up in jail or dead?

People are so busy trying to find a hidden meaning behind something so simple that they are not looking at the bigger picture. We need to start putting our energy towards the good and stop trying to divide and conquer. The more we keep acting like ignorant morons the less gets accomplished. Every day we spend sitting at our computers looking up stuff to fight against the simple issues, that when you look at it means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of life, there's a young person making the wrong decisions because we aren't teaching the correct message. We are supposed to learn from the past not bastardize what they went thru for the sake of proving your ignorant points.

This is only the beginning...

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Missing child...

I'm at work the other day and I'm watching this little kid walk around with his parents. As I walk back past this same kid the parents are so engrossed in what they are doing they don't realize that their child just walked away to play on the ladder in the next aisle over. So I decided to sit at the desk and watch this little guy. From my vantage point I can see both aisles and I'm just shaking my head. One of our associates gets the kid and walks him back over to his parents and they're like "OH... Thank you! I just turned my back for a minute." NO jack wagon your kid had been in that aisle for 20 damn minutes!!! And yea I could've gone and got the child but I figured he was having fun and if someone grabbed him I'd know. Sue me I think kids should enjoy life and he was not in any harm.

Later on that day I get a call for a "code Adam" and if you work in retail this makes your heart wanna stop because you have no idea how long this kid had been missing before the parents decided to notice their kid was missing. Luckily the kid was with his grandmother in the car asleep. However, 30 minutes later and I wish I was joking, we got another damn "code Adam"! WTF ARE YOU KIDDIN ME WITH THIS SHIT?!! So again we page a "code Adam" and the kid is with another associate right around the corner. Smh WTF?!! 

I know our parents lost us every so often and when we were young we went to the toy section and played the whole time our parents shopped but this isn't our time it's a new generation. People steal kids and do unthinkable things to them. And yes they did when we were young too but damn it seems it's 10 times worse now. Slave trade, pedophiles from hell, internet bullshit, you name it... It's worse! And the fact that we have internet at our fingertips and we see this shit on a daily basis you would think that parents would be more responsible but it seems they are worse.

Is the damn phone call, text, FB message or whatever it is that's caught your attention more important than the safety of your child? I'd rather you put a leash on your kid, which makes me laugh by the way, than to have someone snatch them from you. And store associates are not your damn babysitter so blaming the store for your missing child... Smh if that's the excuse you have then your ass should be hit in the damn face with a 2x4 until my arms get tired!!! The store associates did not have any part in the birth of YOUR child so YOUR child is not the store's responsibility!!!

All I'm saying is your child is way too precious to have to go through being snatched by some sicko pedophile. So please people, just keep an eye, at least one eye on your child. Make them more important than some superficial bullshit on social media or drama filled friend...

That is all...

Sunday, August 24, 2014


I am the type of person that needs to fix things and that's all I know. I don't know what to do with standing still and not being able to help. Kari on the other hand is an emotional creature but doesn't like to feel helpless. She thinks if she asks for help that's a sign of weakness. I ask her for help every so often because well I need her help. 

Kari was in her feelings one night when I was having a meltdown about my computer doing this annoying thing. She was trying to help me and to be honest I didn't really need her help that night I was venting more than anything else. Well Kari snapped at me about it and I got pissed off. What was crazy is that I didn't understand why she got pissed off but I couldn't think past her pissing me off at the time. Before I said anything crazy I just shut down. I just stopped talking and fell to sleep. 

I sent her a text the next mornin explaining how I felt and how I took her comment. She explained to me what she meant and I still wasn't having it. She said "I drop everything to help you but you never ask me if I need anything." I told her "I do ask you but you always say 'I'll figure it out'. I wanna help figure it out but you never tell me when you need me to help you." And on went the misunderstanding... 2 days went by before we got it figured out. In that time not once did either of us put our relationship on blast on FB, not once did we think that we wouldn't make it, not once did either of us think that we were right and the other person was wrong. We were just trying to figure it out so we could come to an understanding and move on with our relationship.

That was the worst 2 days and it would've been so easy for us to go on FB and get bullshit support when the situation was just a misunderstanding. We are still learning one another and doin passive aggressive crap on FB is not going to help us know one another better. All it's going to do is drive a wedge between us and make us look super stupid.

What it boils down to is that every relationship will have its ups and downs. How you handle those "not so good days" will make or break your relationship. The couples that last are the ones that never seem like they ever have "not so bad days". Kari and I handled our relationship like grown ass people not like passive aggressive FB fools. We will never have our relationship all out there for the world to rip apart. We know that a relationship is an ever learning process and we want to learn each other on a personal level not like a reality show.

Handle your business people and your relationship may stand a chance...

That is all...

Friday, August 22, 2014


LOL... Sick bastards! I'm not talkin about suckin them or playin with them or any of the other sick fantasies that are running thru your tiny little minds. What I really wanna know is what does society have against showing them? A buddy of mine posted a pic of a "stud" with her shirt off and boobs exposed. Now to me it seemed like she was just being "one of the guys" and to be perfectly honest I took a double take cuz initially I thought she was a guy. It was asked in the post "... Is this acceptable... Or is this tacky...", majority of the responses were "tacky". Of course I'm like do what you do because there are men with bigger boobs than her and if she's willing to bare all more power to her ass.

Kari and I were discussing this and she made a comment about breast feeding and how everyone got all up in arms about women's bare breasts in public. Then she made the statement "People got all pissed off when if you think about it breasts are just baby bottles..." I'll be honest that made me laugh and I didn't hear shit she had to say after that... Lmao! But it did give me a different perspective.

Why are boobs so taboo? I mean we see a set of boobs whether nice... Mmm nice boobs! Lol I'm really not a boob person so relax ladies I have my own. Or just God awful boobs... Guys cover that shit up please!!! And we as a society get all prudish. Why is that? If a mother wants/ needs to feed her child why are we up in arms? If a woman wants to go topless cuz she feels she's sexy why are we up in arms? Guys walk around with guts hanging out, butt cracks to the world, boobs bigger than any woman's I've ever seen and yet they aren't all over social media or on the 5'oclock news. Ummm... Is there still such a thing as 5'oclock news?

Why is it such a big deal if someone is topless? I mean boobs are just some fatty flesh with nibblets on the end. Mine just get in the damn way and cause me back problems. I'm scared to jog for fear I'd suffer two black eyes. I just soon they were on a guy to be perfectly honest. But I digress... I don't care if a woman is breast feeding in public or just running around boobs to the wind more power to her ass! I believe if it were done on a regular basis we as a society would be desensitized to it like we are to car crashes or violence on the news. Just my opinion...

That is all...

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Passionate black woman...

I have been scrolling thru my FB and channel surfing and coming across what they call "crazy black women". What I find disturbing is that now ALL black women are pigeon holed into that "crazy black woman" stereotype. I had a white guy coworker make a comment about me not acting like a "crazy black woman". I told him not all black women act like they act on TV.  He went on to say that he was scared of me because he never knew when the "crazy black woman" would appear. I told him if he kept making stupid ass comments and askin me stupid ass questions he might find out sooner than later. Lol I was kiddin of course but it got me to thinkin... Again

Those who know me know that I have a pretty strong personality. I stick up for what I feel is right and I will stick to my convictions no matter what. I am a fighter for the underdog so long as the underdog is willing to make sacrifices and push to become better. I may come unglued at times but it's not because I'm a "crazy black woman" it's because I truly believe in what I am fighting for. I am not a physical fighter... I am not about to put my hands on someone because they do not believe in what I believe in, but I will come at them with facts. That's my fighting tool.

The problem is individuals are so wrapped up in what they see on TV or FB that when a black woman is passionate about something it is misconstrued as being a "crazy black woman". I am a very passionate person... VERY!!! I'm all about not getting ran over but I will listen to what someone has to say because you never know what you will learn even from someone you find to be the most ignorant individual on the earth at the time. However, when I get "passionate" I can tell that the person hasn't heard shit I had to say because they think I'm being a "crazy black woman". They just shut down and for what, because I'm speaking passionately about something I truly believe down in my soul?!! Someone else could say the same thing in the same way and it's ok and why? Because they are a different race? 

If individuals would take the time and learn the difference between a "crazy black woman" and a "passionate black woman" they may learn a thing or two. There is a very distinct difference between the two. Don't pigeon hole all black women because you may miss out on a very good ally and you may just learn something in the process.

That is all...

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Guinea pig or Science project

So I was sittin here scrolling thru my FB and I saw this chick I was chatting with for a minute and she is pregnant. Now I really don't care that she is pregnant but it got me to thinkin. Why is it that women will get fucked over by men and then they see their lesbian friend in a good relationship and think "Oh maybe I should try a woman since men aren't workin out for me"?

Let's break this ignorant ass thinkin down... 
- You have been dating guys and they all have cheated on you
- The guys you have dated can't keep a job
- You have been supporting the guys you have been dating
- You found a guy with everything goin for him but you gave it up on the first date
- You have a tendency to bitch and complain about everything he does
I could go on forever but these seem to be the most common reasons for break ups and the "men ain't shit" mentality. If you look at the list above can you understand why your relationships don't work out? It has nothing to do with men vs women it has everything to do with YOU and the choices YOU have made! Make a mental note and do some soul searching.

Now if you have not figured out that it just might be you and you decide that you may want to try women think about this... Think about how you would feel if someone decided they are tired of dating the people they have been dating and you are the polar opposite so they decide they will try you. They haven't soul searched, they haven't realized that the common denominator in their failed relationships is them, they haven't given any other thought then you are "different" than the people they have been dating. How would you feel? How would you feel bein an experiment? How will you feel after you have caught feelings for someone, thinking they are the one and they tell you "well I tried it and it wasn't for me!"? Take a moment I'll wait...🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 Times up! Yea it would SUCK!!! 

The next time you decide that you want to use someone as a guinea pig think about how you would feel if the roles were reversed.

That is all...

Saturday, August 16, 2014


So most of you know that I went to Atlanta for HDU... Yes Home Depot has a "university" lol still makes me laugh. Anyway, I wasn't real keen on going but I'm glad I did. I learned some things about the business but mostly I learned a lot about myself, which will help me go further in my career. For those of you that do work for Home Depot and haven't gone, or haven't thought about moving up, give it some thought... Yea there is some "propaganda" but with any company you expect that because in order for them to succeed you know they have to get you to believe in what they are spewing. I will tell you this... If what they "preached" while I was there is the future then I'm on board. I have a feeling that the old school "lead by fear" is being trended out. Think about how many management people have been fired in the last year... How many had that mentality? Just a thought to consider. 

Anyway, while I was there I met this guy named Jim Morocco. He is an incredible guy. Funny as hell, genuine, caring (the man would cry at the drop of a hat lol). If you paid enough attention you knew he had gone thru a lot in his "work" life. You could tell that he had experienced a lot of "lead by fear" sort of management but he also had that one person who brought some positive in his life. Jim is a genuine guy with a lot of character and even tho he may have gone thru some sort of hell in his career path he has stayed true to himself and I believe he will be an incredible manager because of it.

Now at the end of the week we had to vote on who we thought deserved the "silver apron". The "silver apron" is the person who basically impacted us the most throughout the week. No I didn't win I came in second with a couple other guys but I was ok with that because Jim actually won. I will add that I thought he deserved it... Hands down no competition!!! And YES when he found out he cried... Like a baby Lol!!! 
Also at the end of the week we had to write a letter to a person, we picked at random, about how they impacted us throughout the week. Well Jim pulled my name. Here's where my humbling experience came into play. So the same guy who got 50% of the votes, the guy who 50% of the class said impacted them, the guy that has been passionate about everything told me that I actually had an impact on him. Think about that for a moment... The guy that 50% of the people in the class said impacted them said I had an impact on him. That made me feel good... Way better than any award in my opinion! So before you think your actions don't matter in someone's life remember you may not impact 50% of the "class" but there may be that one person that you do impact... You have to decide HOW you will impact them!

Whether I move up... Lol that was funny y'all know I'm too competitive to stay still... Let me start again.
"When" I move up I hope I have impacted at least 1 person. If 1 person gets something out of what I'm trying to do then I feel I have made a difference because I know the 1 person that I impacted will impact at least one person...

That is all...



Friday, August 1, 2014

Secret in your own life...

At this juncture in my life I couldn't imagine being in the closet. It took me awhile to come out to my mom and she struggled but I was willing to lose her versus hide who I was any longer. *thats a whole other blog for another day* I couldn't imagine being with someone who was not out to their family and friends. I have seen so many women asking for advice on this very subject and I feel bad for them because I know how it feels to be a secret in your own life. Loving someone and not being able to shout it from the rooftops is heart breaking. You try to understand and compromise about what can and can't happen in your relationship and it just makes you feel like a guest in your own relationship. Like when it's "appropriate" you can come in and play but when it's not you're left outside looking in wishing you could be a part of the party.

I was seeing this girl at one point in time and she was very feminine so she was "passing". My mom was close with her aunt so her aunt decided to introduce us because she thought we'd get along. We started talkin and she asked me not to tell her aunt because she wasn't out to her family. Now this worked out because we lived in two different states but when I decided to move she freaked out because her family might find out about us. I wasn't allowed over when her family was over and I was basically treated like a stranger when her aunt invited me over for their family functions. But she was quick to call me for booty calls when she was in the mood. It worked out for awhile because I cared for her but I was starting to feel unwanted and resentful. I wanted more and she wasn't willing to budge. She thought I should be ok with how our relationship was because we were together and that should be enough. I took that as "you should be grateful with the crumbs that you are given". Since I wasn't grateful I started seeing other women and we became "friends with benefits". No I wasn't sleeping with all the women just her and that worked for us both for awhile.

I endured a lot of insensitive bullshit from people who didn't matter when I came out. However, I am very fortunate that I have a family that has been supportive, minus my moms brief stint in the land of ignorance. I can't ever see myself dating another woman who is not out to her family. I know we fall for who we fall for but it is so hard to be a secret in your own relationship. Having two bedrooms in the house so when family comes over no one knows you sleep in the same room, calling your partner your "roommate", not being able to go to holiday functions together and the list goes on, it's depressing and stressful. 

If you are out and your partner is not, how much can you endure before "love" isn't enough? When does being a secret in your own relationship make you resent your partner? When you start feeling restricted and resentful of your relationship is that when it's time to go? I suppose when you realize that the same restraints that held you in the closet before are the same restraints that are holding your relationship in limbo, you will finally make a decision about your future happiness. 

That is all...