Sunday, August 24, 2014


I am the type of person that needs to fix things and that's all I know. I don't know what to do with standing still and not being able to help. Kari on the other hand is an emotional creature but doesn't like to feel helpless. She thinks if she asks for help that's a sign of weakness. I ask her for help every so often because well I need her help. 

Kari was in her feelings one night when I was having a meltdown about my computer doing this annoying thing. She was trying to help me and to be honest I didn't really need her help that night I was venting more than anything else. Well Kari snapped at me about it and I got pissed off. What was crazy is that I didn't understand why she got pissed off but I couldn't think past her pissing me off at the time. Before I said anything crazy I just shut down. I just stopped talking and fell to sleep. 

I sent her a text the next mornin explaining how I felt and how I took her comment. She explained to me what she meant and I still wasn't having it. She said "I drop everything to help you but you never ask me if I need anything." I told her "I do ask you but you always say 'I'll figure it out'. I wanna help figure it out but you never tell me when you need me to help you." And on went the misunderstanding... 2 days went by before we got it figured out. In that time not once did either of us put our relationship on blast on FB, not once did we think that we wouldn't make it, not once did either of us think that we were right and the other person was wrong. We were just trying to figure it out so we could come to an understanding and move on with our relationship.

That was the worst 2 days and it would've been so easy for us to go on FB and get bullshit support when the situation was just a misunderstanding. We are still learning one another and doin passive aggressive crap on FB is not going to help us know one another better. All it's going to do is drive a wedge between us and make us look super stupid.

What it boils down to is that every relationship will have its ups and downs. How you handle those "not so good days" will make or break your relationship. The couples that last are the ones that never seem like they ever have "not so bad days". Kari and I handled our relationship like grown ass people not like passive aggressive FB fools. We will never have our relationship all out there for the world to rip apart. We know that a relationship is an ever learning process and we want to learn each other on a personal level not like a reality show.

Handle your business people and your relationship may stand a chance...

That is all...

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