Sunday, August 17, 2014

Guinea pig or Science project

So I was sittin here scrolling thru my FB and I saw this chick I was chatting with for a minute and she is pregnant. Now I really don't care that she is pregnant but it got me to thinkin. Why is it that women will get fucked over by men and then they see their lesbian friend in a good relationship and think "Oh maybe I should try a woman since men aren't workin out for me"?

Let's break this ignorant ass thinkin down... 
- You have been dating guys and they all have cheated on you
- The guys you have dated can't keep a job
- You have been supporting the guys you have been dating
- You found a guy with everything goin for him but you gave it up on the first date
- You have a tendency to bitch and complain about everything he does
I could go on forever but these seem to be the most common reasons for break ups and the "men ain't shit" mentality. If you look at the list above can you understand why your relationships don't work out? It has nothing to do with men vs women it has everything to do with YOU and the choices YOU have made! Make a mental note and do some soul searching.

Now if you have not figured out that it just might be you and you decide that you may want to try women think about this... Think about how you would feel if someone decided they are tired of dating the people they have been dating and you are the polar opposite so they decide they will try you. They haven't soul searched, they haven't realized that the common denominator in their failed relationships is them, they haven't given any other thought then you are "different" than the people they have been dating. How would you feel? How would you feel bein an experiment? How will you feel after you have caught feelings for someone, thinking they are the one and they tell you "well I tried it and it wasn't for me!"? Take a moment I'll wait...🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 Times up! Yea it would SUCK!!! 

The next time you decide that you want to use someone as a guinea pig think about how you would feel if the roles were reversed.

That is all...

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