Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Missing child...

I'm at work the other day and I'm watching this little kid walk around with his parents. As I walk back past this same kid the parents are so engrossed in what they are doing they don't realize that their child just walked away to play on the ladder in the next aisle over. So I decided to sit at the desk and watch this little guy. From my vantage point I can see both aisles and I'm just shaking my head. One of our associates gets the kid and walks him back over to his parents and they're like "OH... Thank you! I just turned my back for a minute." NO jack wagon your kid had been in that aisle for 20 damn minutes!!! And yea I could've gone and got the child but I figured he was having fun and if someone grabbed him I'd know. Sue me I think kids should enjoy life and he was not in any harm.

Later on that day I get a call for a "code Adam" and if you work in retail this makes your heart wanna stop because you have no idea how long this kid had been missing before the parents decided to notice their kid was missing. Luckily the kid was with his grandmother in the car asleep. However, 30 minutes later and I wish I was joking, we got another damn "code Adam"! WTF ARE YOU KIDDIN ME WITH THIS SHIT?!! So again we page a "code Adam" and the kid is with another associate right around the corner. Smh WTF?!! 

I know our parents lost us every so often and when we were young we went to the toy section and played the whole time our parents shopped but this isn't our time it's a new generation. People steal kids and do unthinkable things to them. And yes they did when we were young too but damn it seems it's 10 times worse now. Slave trade, pedophiles from hell, internet bullshit, you name it... It's worse! And the fact that we have internet at our fingertips and we see this shit on a daily basis you would think that parents would be more responsible but it seems they are worse.

Is the damn phone call, text, FB message or whatever it is that's caught your attention more important than the safety of your child? I'd rather you put a leash on your kid, which makes me laugh by the way, than to have someone snatch them from you. And store associates are not your damn babysitter so blaming the store for your missing child... Smh if that's the excuse you have then your ass should be hit in the damn face with a 2x4 until my arms get tired!!! The store associates did not have any part in the birth of YOUR child so YOUR child is not the store's responsibility!!!

All I'm saying is your child is way too precious to have to go through being snatched by some sicko pedophile. So please people, just keep an eye, at least one eye on your child. Make them more important than some superficial bullshit on social media or drama filled friend...

That is all...

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