Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Racist ignorance... Bucket challenge

We all at this point have seen about a million "bucket challenges" running across our news feeds. To be honest I am rather sick of them but I'm not complaining because before this annoying challenge I had no idea what ALS was and how it affected a persons whole entire life. To be conscience of what's going on around you and not be able to control any of it... I couldn't imagine the extreme torture of the disease.

Today as I'm scrolling thru my FB page I run across this other "bucket challenge". Actually it was an original "bucket torture" designed to break down "big bucks" during slavery days. The person that posted the story actually compared the 'bucket challenge" to the horrific torture of male slaves. Saying that the "bucket challenge" was glorifying slavery. *BLANK STARE* Are you fuckin kiddin me with this shit?!! Do you really think a young white man who is basically being tortured in his own damn body gave one fucking thought of a torture device meant for slaves when he came up with the idea of the "bucket challenge"? To be honest I had no idea that was a torture device back in the day and I'm betting neither did the young man. To be honest it's rather befitting because he is being tortured in his own fuckin body. Think about it for a moment... The disease shuts down your neural responses, makes simple every day activities seem like hell on earth, it breaks you down physically as well as mentally. So yes as horrific as the "bucket torture" was isn't that what this disease is doing to these people... Breaking them down... Torturing them?!!

It fucking sickens me that this idiot and the idiots that agreed with his ignorant post are so busy trying to find a racist message in a challenge that raised awareness. Instead of putting that energy in finding a hidden meaning in something that was meant to raise awareness how about raising awareness in the community. How about putting your energies into saving the youth of the community. How about educating these young people who are killing themselves every day, the young people out here getting pregnant at a young age, the kids who think there isn't any other way than to be on the streets, how about helping them see a different way out?

If shock factor is what you're going for with the dumb ass post then yea I'm shocked that you are that damn ignorant! What would be even more of a shock is if the person who posted the pic actually did his fuckin research because in actuality the device was used in the torture of prisoners both black and white during the 1850's. Actually I shouldn't be shocked. I'd be shocked if the person that posted this bullshit used their ability to look shit up on line and helped out in their community. I would probably pass out and fall over if that happened.

This irritated the fuck out of me!!! I spend so much time talking to kids and telling them my story. Not that I came from a horrible situation but let me tell you it wasn't ideal. Just because you come from what looks like a good situation doesn't mean there wasn't more under the surface and I have some buried stuff. I try to let them know that there are alternative ways... Yes it's way harder to stay on the straight and narrow and yes it may be a lot harder but at the end of the day what's more important... Having pride in what you have accomplished or ending up in jail or dead?

People are so busy trying to find a hidden meaning behind something so simple that they are not looking at the bigger picture. We need to start putting our energy towards the good and stop trying to divide and conquer. The more we keep acting like ignorant morons the less gets accomplished. Every day we spend sitting at our computers looking up stuff to fight against the simple issues, that when you look at it means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of life, there's a young person making the wrong decisions because we aren't teaching the correct message. We are supposed to learn from the past not bastardize what they went thru for the sake of proving your ignorant points.

This is only the beginning...

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