Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Passionate black woman...

I have been scrolling thru my FB and channel surfing and coming across what they call "crazy black women". What I find disturbing is that now ALL black women are pigeon holed into that "crazy black woman" stereotype. I had a white guy coworker make a comment about me not acting like a "crazy black woman". I told him not all black women act like they act on TV.  He went on to say that he was scared of me because he never knew when the "crazy black woman" would appear. I told him if he kept making stupid ass comments and askin me stupid ass questions he might find out sooner than later. Lol I was kiddin of course but it got me to thinkin... Again

Those who know me know that I have a pretty strong personality. I stick up for what I feel is right and I will stick to my convictions no matter what. I am a fighter for the underdog so long as the underdog is willing to make sacrifices and push to become better. I may come unglued at times but it's not because I'm a "crazy black woman" it's because I truly believe in what I am fighting for. I am not a physical fighter... I am not about to put my hands on someone because they do not believe in what I believe in, but I will come at them with facts. That's my fighting tool.

The problem is individuals are so wrapped up in what they see on TV or FB that when a black woman is passionate about something it is misconstrued as being a "crazy black woman". I am a very passionate person... VERY!!! I'm all about not getting ran over but I will listen to what someone has to say because you never know what you will learn even from someone you find to be the most ignorant individual on the earth at the time. However, when I get "passionate" I can tell that the person hasn't heard shit I had to say because they think I'm being a "crazy black woman". They just shut down and for what, because I'm speaking passionately about something I truly believe down in my soul?!! Someone else could say the same thing in the same way and it's ok and why? Because they are a different race? 

If individuals would take the time and learn the difference between a "crazy black woman" and a "passionate black woman" they may learn a thing or two. There is a very distinct difference between the two. Don't pigeon hole all black women because you may miss out on a very good ally and you may just learn something in the process.

That is all...

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