Thursday, July 10, 2014

Being grown

I woke up needing to use the bathroom like a race horse and something occurred to me... I always hear individuals talking about how "grown" they are and it occurred to me that I didn't really start acting like a "grown up" until maybe a few years ago. I knew for a long time that age doesn't make you "grown" but until this morning it never occurred to me what made an individual "grown". 

How does one proclaim they're grown when they're still playing high school games? Like fighting over someone who could give two fucks about them... Going out to the club when your baby doesn't even have food on the table or nice clothes on their back... Or when you decide your habits (ie. smokin, drinkin etc.) is more important than keepin your utilities on. Yes, I paid/pay my bills and I made sure all my domestic duties were handled but did that make me grown? Hell to the NO!!!

I'll explain... Being "grown" isn't about age or just takin care of home. Being "grown" is about handling every aspect of life from taking care of home to taking care of YOU! You are very important and making decisions in life that also take care of you is being "grown". When you realize that what someone thinks of you or what you have doesn't matter that's when the "grown up" starts to exist and the adolescent starts to fade. Doesn't mean you can't still have fun it just means that your priorities have changed.

I have come to realize that too often individuals are so busy in other peoples business that they aren't taking care of their own. That individuals are more wrapped up in what someone will think of them versus how they think of themselves. What does it matter what someone else has that you don't? Are you working towards getting your own? Or are you content with sitting around talking a good game but showing no effort? 
"Grown" individuals handle business not make excuses... "Grown" individuals are not worrying about what others have they go out and get their own... "Grown" individuals handle home first not the streets... 

So the next time you say "I'm grown" think about how stupid you sound because you aren't handling your business!!! And the next time someone tells you they're "grown" then turn around and asks you for something let them fools know "Hell NO you're grown remember!" See how "grown" they are then...

That is all...

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