Thursday, July 17, 2014

Open your mouth...

This could go so wrong with that title... Lol! But it won't...

I'm so tired of individuals talking about "He/she does not understand my needs." How about open your damn mouth and let them know what you need? I hear people say "Well they should know me better than that by now." Umm... Did you ever tell them what you expected in the beginning of the relationship? I guarantee if some of you fools were up front and honest with the person you were dating you would've avoided over 1/2 of the fucked up relationships that you have been involved in... Unless you're like me, someone who gets 1/2 truths and takes it as a challenge, I'll be like "fuck it let's give this a test run!" It happens... Not anymore of course cuz I decided to grow up... Kinda! Lol

I heard this fool the other day talking about how unsatisfied she was in bed. I've heard this many times over the years and my question, being someone with a massive ego in that area, is "Have you talked about this with your partner? Have you told them what you like?" Hell for that matter do you even know what you like?!! How about this... If you know what you like OPEN YOUR MOUTH!!! LMAO yea I went there!!! I don't need a damn road map but I at least need a few place markers along the way and an address would be nice... Hell I'll ask Siri the rest! (Haha if you don't get it I'll explain later) 

My point is complaining about what your partner doesn't do for you doesn't fix the problem. If you aren't open and honest about your needs then how do you expect your partner to give you what you need? I don't know about anyone else but I don't have ESP. I can't and to be perfectly honest I don't want to read your mind, I have enough shit going on in my own head. 
So the next time you're ranting and raving about your partner not doin this or that think about the communication of said rant... Did you make your needs or wants clear and did you do it in such a way that they didn't tune you out because they thought you were bitching "again"? *shrug* just saying... I'll tune someone out in a quick second if I hear bitching.

That is all...

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