Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Take your business elsewhere

I truly don't understand what people are not getting about "freedom". Companies are "free" to make up rules as they go along and you are "free" to frequent a different establishment if you do not agree with those rules. Money talks people!!!

Let's start with the Chik Filet, or however the hell you spell it, business. So it came out, lol for lack of better words, that they are anti-gay. Gay people got all up in arms, lost their minds, voiced their opinions yet continued to frequent the restaurant. Now I don't know about you but I work my ass off for my money and I'll be damned if I give my money to an establishment that doesn't like "my kind". Why in the hell as a lesbian would I support a company (ie. give my money)  that is against my very being? Money talks people... 

There was also the Tommy Hilfiger situation where it came out that the company didn't want black folks wearing their clothes. First off I thought their clothes were ugly and over priced. The best way to get me to not wear your clothes is to have $100 damn jeans. Why in the hell would you spend $100 on a friggin pair of jeans, when a $20 pair of jeans will last as long if not longer?  So confused by that... But I digress. If this company out and out says they don't want your black ass in their clothes why in the hell would you continue to give them your money? Apparently your money isn't good enough for them. Oh wait... Its your money that's buying these fools their islands, jets and nice cars! And what do you get out of it all besides being told you aren't good enought to wear their clothes? Hmm... A pair of $100 jeans that the individuals who are selling them don't want "your kind" to wear. Money talks people...

What got me on this topic in the first damn place was the Hobby Lobby issue running across my FB page. Alright if you actually read the whole story you will understand that they weren't denying women the right to "all" birth control just the 4 out of 20 that were created to kill an embrio or possible embrio. Whatever you get my damn point! What's the difference between my insurance covering certain parts of a surgery and Hobby Lobby covering certain types of birth control? They are giving their female workers options but to say they're taking away women's rights blah blah bullshit is ridiculous. They're not taking away female rights they are excersing theirs. If you aren't comfortable with those options as an employee then guess what... You DO NOT have to work for that company. If you as a consumer do not agree with their options guess what... You DO NOT have to shop there. It's really that simple.
Money talks people... My money won't be talking to Hobby Lobby not because of this recent verdict but because they're too damn expensive! 

I know there are those that will disagree with me but since this is a "free" country you have the right to argue with me and or not frequent my blog. Will this change my mind? Most likely not but it will be an interesting conversation. I look forward to it...

That is all...

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