Thursday, July 31, 2014

I'm not a label...

When I moved to Omaha I had never heard so many labels in my life. Stud, stem, femme and the list goes on. I never thought of myself as anything except "Janelle" so these labels meant nothing and to be honest they're starting to get on my nerves. 

Initially I was called a "stud" which made me laugh my ass off because I'm not a male nor am I prized animal waiting to breed. I kept tellin this fool after I asked wtf a "stud" was that I was not a stud. Then this fool called me a "stem" which I liked even less. What the fuck is a "stem"?!! I am not a fuckin part of a damn plant... I am a woman!!! 
**Let me explain these stupid ass terms for you if you have no idea what "stud" and "stem" mean in the lesbian world. "Stud" is a male identified female that's supposed to be very dominant in the relationship. I think some of the fools I've met border on wanting to be a dude. "Stem" is a female who is more of a tomboy but has femme tendencies as well.**

Anyway, I tell women up front that I am dominant when I feel like being dominant but on a norm I am pretty chill and go with the flow. I do not like doin "girly" crap. I do not wear fingernail polish, make up, dresses or any other girly crap. I like my jeans, t-shirts and hoodies. I also like my sweaters, button downs, slacks and nice shoes. I do not in any way shape or form wanna be a dude. So tellin me I'm not a "stud" does not hurt my feelings in any way. And callin me a "stem" tryin to piss me off or tryin to make me feel like less of a lesbian *shrugs* Ummm not working. I still like women just not women like your ignorant ass!!! 

I know there are women out here who want a woman to act like and look like a dude... To each their own. There are plenty of women out here who can identify with the "stud" mentality that you are looking for. You just need to go out and find them. While you're out there remember when you get your "daddi", "papi", etc home at the end of the day you are still with a woman. I don't care how big the strap is it's not attached. No matter how hard her chest is or how much she bands her boobs... No matter if she tries to grow facial hair or never shaves a part of her body... No matter if she sags her pants or wears a suit... She is still a woman! She still has a shit ton of estrogen which will make her act like a "bitch" at least once a month. Just don't want you to be surprised by that... Lol

I think putting a label on a package without knowing what's on the inside seems counter productive to me. The sayin "Never judge a book by its cover" applies here. All I'm saying is once you open the book don't try to change the content to fit the cover. 

That is all...

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