Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I am not a touchy feely person. I do not like to hold hands because I hate when my hands get sweaty from holding hands. I hate walkin and hugging... I hate bumping into the other person because our steps are not synced. I'm not a PDA person and it's not because I'm worried about some idiot makin a comment, it's because I don't feel the need to hang all over my partner or slobber all over her to show some idiot we are together or to prove a point to the world. Every once in awhile I'll get the urge to kiss my partner on the cheek or some other smushy thing but it's not an all the time thing. If I'm at home I'll lay on her or vice versa. Maybe a little this or that but still I'm not a really big touchy feely person.

Now if I'm not about to do PDA with my partner do you honestly believe I'm ok with a stranger touching any part of my person EVER?!! The answer would be a big fat HELL NO!!! I cringe every time a stranger touches me and they tend to do it more often than not especially when I'm at work. If I know the person and I've seen them on a regular basis and they hug me I'm ok with it. But for a perfect stranger, especially a male stranger, to invade my bubble I'm in instant defense mode! 

I do hug my friends and people I see and may know thru work. I am smushy with my woman when we are not 1600 miles apart from one another. But I can not in any way shape or form find myself getting comfortable when a stranger is in my bubble. I don't understand individuals who don't respect or realize they are invading my bubble. I need people to back the hell up and read body language cuz I'm pretty sure my body doesn't read "please touch me". Back the hell up out of my damn bubble!!!

That is all...

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