Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The bug...

I DO NOT do bugs and I definitely don't do bugs near or on me. I'm sitting outside in my chair the first day at the lake house... Kari and her father were discussing these damn "army worms" that are every damn where. I've never heard of an "army worm" so my ignorant ass says "I've never heard of an army worm. Are they like those fuzzy worms?" Why did this man get up go get a damn "army worm" and proceed to set this damn worm on my chair next to my friggin arm?!! I almost had a damn stroke so I politely asked him to remove the worm from my chair. I was being almost cool about the situation.

Now if you don't know how much I love my chair go back to the blog "my damn chair". Obviously there were 2 things wrong with that scene:
1~ I DO NOT I repeat DO NOT like bugs!!! And to put a gross little semi fuzzy thing that moves near me would've gotten most people punched. However, I didn't want to seem like a complete wuss and jump up like a maniac with my ass on fire so I sat there trying to keep it together.
2~ He put the bug on "my chair" *confusion* if I don't like bugs then my chair doesn't like bugs either. My chair was a little freaked out about the fuzzy little fucker being on it... Ok maybe that was me, still you're getting the point... NO FUCKIN BUGS!!!!

As of today's date I have managed to steer clear of any little gross slimy bugs but have been a smorgasbord for a shit load of blood thirsty beasts of burdens. I have to admit after some picture taking of said bug they are quite pretty... From a distance... A FAR FAR distance away from my chair and me!!!


I still DO NOT like bugs!!!

That is all...

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