Saturday, July 12, 2014

Cheating... Starting to understand the appeal

I don't believe in cheating in any way shape or form. However, I spent some time with this couple and now I do understand the attraction for cheating. I already know why women cheat. The 2 common reasons are they are not getting the attention they require at home or for revenge. Now I thought men cheat because they can have sex without emotion but after spending time with this couple I realized it can be more than that. 

We say "Wtf is he cheating for, his wife is gorgeous?" Well folks beauty doesn't make you a compassionate, caring, loving etc of a person. Hell beauty doesn't even make you a beautiful person. It just makes for a pretty package and doesn't substitute for inner beauty. With that being said I'll explain why I understand why some men cheat.

Men, and I'll have to throw in masculine identified women, need to be wanted or needed. They need to feel like they have a purpose in the relationship. They want to contribute so to speak so making decisions or having their ideas considered is a must. If their ideas are always being shot down or if they're getting treated like a child you may wanna keep a sharp eye out on your partner. They will eventually, just like women, go looking to get their needs met outside of the relationship.

It's not always about sex for them either... Sometimes they need to have their other needs met. They want someone who's goin to treat them with respect, listen, make them feel needed and wanted. Some woman will come along that will listen to their crazy stories or ideas, a woman that will treat them with the respect that they feel they need and deserve, a woman who's going to make them feel needed and wanted... They will find that woman who will make them feel like a "man"!

So ladies while you're out here screaming about independence and "I can do for myself... I don't need you" and making your partner feel less than a partner, remember there is a woman out there who will be more than willing to accept the things that your partner is wanting to do for you. Don't get me wrong it doesn't mean you need to be a helpless female just means ease the fuck up with that "I can do it all myself" attitude because when it's all said and done it's nice to have someone to do things with... Been done grew old doin things by your damn self because of your "I can do it myself" raggedy ass attitude.
Just an observation...

That is all...

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