Saturday, July 19, 2014

Lost chance

I look at all these fools talking about how they "lost" the love of their life because they thought the grass was greener on the other side. The person that they gave up wasn't really where they wanted them to be at the time they were dating so they decided to go after the "fast" money... That person who was rollin the nice car instead of the beater that their ex was drivin. And yes "drivin" because let's be real you can't really "roll" a beater... Lol. They never gave their ex a chance to get where they needed to be. I know it has taken me a minute to get where I am now and it will take me a few more minutes to get where I want to be in life. Be patient Pook! Lol...

They were making ends meet but they weren't going out to fancy places or doing things on a regular. They weren't getting your nails and hair done on a regular. They weren't taking you to places where they were spending $100 on a dinner. They were on their "grown folks" business... They were paying their bills and taking care of home. While you were on this "why can't we do this and that" bullshit. So instead of waiting for this person to get where they needed to be you decided that they weren't the person for you because they couldn't give you what you thought you deserved. 

My biggest questions would be what in the hell were you bringing to the relationship? Did you ever once ask if you could pay for something? Did you ever once try to contribute? Did you ever look at the bigger picture instead of the rose colored picture some other fool was painting for you? How do you say you love someone and then drop them because they aren't where you think they should be? Especially if you know they have ambitions and goals in life. Do you think you're too good to wait, be patient or live modestly until things start to fall into place? 

So you get with the fool that has the easy money and things don't work out... Go figure idiot! But the person that you "lost"... By the way you didn't "lose" this person! It's not like y'all went to the store one day and someone snatched them out from under you... Your ignorant ass DUMPED them for another ignorant ass person! Anyway, a year or so goes by and the person you "lost" has a good job, "rollin" a nice car and is dating a girl who appreciates what she has to offer and now your sorry ass is posting on FB how you "lost" a good thing... Did I mention the ex was never "lost"? But your ignorant ass obviously was when you decided she wasn't for you because she was on her "grown" business.

I'm actually glad you "lost" that individual because you obviously haven't grown up yet and you were just going to hold that person back. You obviously haven't figured out that life is about compromise and sacrifice (do you like that preacher man? Lol)! Now that this person has got their shit together you want to be back in the picture? You aren't ready for love or a relationship if all you are seeing is what she has versus what she can offer. So stop your friggin whining, accept the consequences of your choices and grown the hell up!!!

That is all...

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