Friday, July 25, 2014

Everybody at their own pace...

It amazes me that someone who has nothing is quick to tell someone else where they should be in life. Everybody accomplishes things in their own way and own time. What may be easy for you to achieve isn't necessarily easy for the next person and vice versa.

I'm sick of people saying "You're 25 years old you should have a good job, a car and a place of your own." Blah blah bullshit!!! Who says you have to conquer the world at 25? Hell there are 50-60yr olds that don't even know what they wanna do when they grow up so how do you expect every 25yr old to know what they wanna do with their life? There are older individuals that don't have a car or their own place... Hell some of these fools don't even have a job yet people expect 25yr olds to have all of that... Let's be realistic! 

Let these kids go at their own pace. They'll figure it out in their own time. All you're going to do is stress them out and make the situation worse. And I'm not talking about these entitled idiots that you have created! I'm talkin about the kids that are trying to figure it out... The ones that have a job and trying to go to school. Instead of belittling these kids how about encouraging them and helping them along?!! Get it together people cuz all you're doin is making a person who has potential into one who is discouraged and feels worthless. Think about that the next time you open your mouth to spew ignorance. 

That is all...

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