Sunday, July 20, 2014

Hearing yourself talk...

There are so many people that are quick to want to hear themselves talk. They are so ready to speak they don't actually listen to what is being said to them. I wonder how much they miss out on by running their mouth and not listening... Between people not even bothering to speak or when they do speak they aren't being heard. Makes me wonder how much time off of my life these idiots are taking.

I was in a store the other day and this person asked a question and before this individual had the chance to finish their sentence the other person started giving their advice. Now from what I could understand the person who was asked the question started saying the same thing as the person doing the interrupting. I wondered how often that happened with the person and how many individuals just say "I don't know" just to get the conversation over. I also wondered how worthless the other person feels when they know their ideas aren't even being heard or actually wanted.

I decided to observe this phenomenon in my own dealings with people. I figured I would do this quite a bit since I have the attention span of a gnat... Lol. I come to realize that I have more patience than I thought. I actually do wait for people to answer a question before I decide to speak. I also realized that it won't benefit me if I give all the answers to the test. People won't be able to grow and learn if I'm always telling them what they should do or how to do it on top of that I may learn how to do something better than the way I previously did it. Win win for everyone.

I really don't like to waste my breath and honestly I could care less about hearing my own voice because unless I'm just waking up or trying to do that seduction thing my voice is pretty squeaky... Lol just sayin. If someone comes to me with a problem I'll ask a few questions and maybe a couple of suggestions but for the most part I'll let them talk themselves into their answer. Sometimes people just need a sounding board not someone to talk them into circles.

So before you start spewing off at the mouth think about if what you are spewing is even relevant to the conversation. If you are asking a question clear your mind and actually listen to the answer before speaking. You may be surprised that the person answering actually has a brain. Also know when to speak and give advice and when to ask questions and allow the person to learn. You may be surprised what you may learn if you listen. While you are doin these things notice how morale raises when people feel you care enough to listen instead of enjoying the sound of your own voice.

That is all... 

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