Friday, September 12, 2014

"Advice Hustlers"...

There are very few people in my life that I'll ask advice from. They are people I know will give me real answers even when I don't want to hear the truth. They are people who have lived life and have figured themselves out so that their lives are better. I can trust that these people have my best interest at heart and won't steer me wrong. They are people I know have gone through what I am going through and will speak intelligently about the subject because they have learned from their mistakes. They do not give advice unless I ask because they know that I'm not going to listen until I am ready to learn from my mistakes.

I have adopted the attitude that IDGAF what people think lately. I have watched these "Advice Hustlers" give advice about topics they have no business even havin their nose in. They take it upon themselves to throw their 2 cents in when it wasn't even needed nor wanted. They see or hear about someone going through a situation and before the person can even work through their issue this fool is already giving advice. The person could just be having a bad day and the "Advice Hustlers" are all in the business. Damn... Can't I have a bad day?!!

I was chattin with one of my buddies about LDR's and this idiot pipes up and says "That's why I wouldn't be in a long distance relationship." *Blank stare* and the idiot continued with "She's probably cheating on you anyway." Of course I spoke without thinking  "Who the fuck asked you? I don't recall asking your opinion and why are you all over here in this convo? Mind your fuckin business!" I probably could've handled it better but I'm tired of ear hustling, advice giving, in every bodies business morons! And I wasn't even in an LDR at the time. We were just chattin about them.

The thing that grates my nerves the most about "Advice Hustlers" is it's always the person who has major issues in their own life, that wants to give the advice. Why in the world would I take advice from someone who doesn't have their shit together? Are you insane? If I'm already having a problem I don't need advice from someone who doesn't have their shit together.

Let's work on some examples:
Relationship advice is a common example...
If you have bounced from relationship to relationship and haven't figured out that the common denominator in your failed relationships is you and your bad choices; If you are in a relationship where you are taking care of a dead beat or you are the dead beat; If you are in a relationship and your partner is cheating and all you do is bitch about it but continue to stay... Then you are exempt from giving relationship advice! When you have gotten your shit together then you are allowed to speak on the subject again.

Finances is another common example:
If you can not keep your lights on, rent paid, car payment kept up because the new Jordan's came out; If your recreational habits are more important than clothing your child; If playing video gamers or hangin with your homies is more important than going to work... Then you are exempt from giving financial advice! Why would you even want to open your mouth? I mean what could you possibly contribute... OH WAIT... What NOT to do financially?!!

How to raise kids is my last one but not the least:
If your kids are running around cussing you and everyone else out; If your kids can't spell or barely read; If your kids are basically running your household... You should be the very last person giving any advice on how to raise a child! Actually why would you even fit your lips to begin to tell someone how to raise a child or what they are doin wrong? NEVER EVER EVER give advice!!!

All I'm saying is before you open your mouth to give advice make sure you have been asked first and foremost. Then make sure you can speak intelligently on the subject and make sure you have all the facts. Ask a few intelligent questions of your own because even your friends can be in the wrong. Don't uphold your friends in their bullshit. If you are a good friend and aren't just an "advice hustler" you will be honest with your friends even if they don't want to hear it. And if they don't want to hear the truth then they shouldn't have asked for advice.

That is all...

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