Friday, September 5, 2014

It's my choice...

I don't normally talk about my sexuality because I don't feel there's a need. What I do in my private life should stay private. Besides pretty much everyone knows I am a lesbian it's not like that's something I keep a secret. I love women and right now I love one woman in particular. I have been pretty low key about our relationship because I feel like I want to give us a chance to work without the whole world putting in their two cents about us.

I realized today as I was scrolling through some articles that I have that option. I have the option to yell about my relationship from the rooftops or keep it quiet. I have a job where I don't really have to hide who I am. I'm not shouting it from the rafters or anything and before you fools start talking about "well you look like a damn lesbian", I still get hit on by silly little men because I'm so damn irresistible to both genders... LOL!!! That's what I tell myself anyway. I don't have to be in the closet because my family and friends already know. I'm not worried about being disowned or ostracized. I am very blessed...

Then I got to thinking about the Michael Sam articles and other celebrities that came out, along with teachers and other professionals. I thought about how I actually have options and either way I am still ok in my life. A lot of professionals don't have the freedom or luxury that I am afforded. Having to hide who they are for fear of being fired or harassed for just wanting the same things that the next person wants and that's to be excepted for who they are. It makes me wonder what the people before us fought for... It makes me wonder how we have come this far in society and still have the backwards thinking that we do... Why in this day and age we are still worried about what someone else is doing in their bedroom instead of worrying about more important things like the fate of the next generation.

We are still fearing... What? That someone will hit on you in the club? That someone will be checking you out when you walk down the street? Or maybe you'll think that everyone that compliments you wants to get with you?

I was out one night and I told this girl she had pretty eyes. She freaked out and told me she had a boyfriend... BLAH BLAH BLAH!  I looked at her like she had lost her mind and started laughing and told her not to flatter herself. Well maybe I was a little drunk and cussed her out but you get the idea... LOL I was young don't judge me! Anyhow, she shut up talking.

I was at the barbershop the other day and this dude made the comment about a guy hitting on him. He said "I went off on that dude!" and I said "Now you know what a woman goes through on a daily basis." That simple comment shut the whole place up. If a simple comment can shut the whole place up then maybe we need to make simple comments on a regular basis. Maybe a simple comment will make a few people think about what they fear. Because really what is there to fear about someone giving a compliment or even hitting on you? (Well, unless it's a stalker or some other weird rape sorta thing.) It's really a compliment. At least someone thinks you're worth takin the time, effort and possible humiliation to acknowledge your existence. All you have to do is say "Thank you" or "I'm not interested" and keep it moving.

I am very fortunate and blessed to be able to be who I am in my life. I will continue to make my simple comments and I will continue to get my point across. I just hope at some point society will stop fearing what they don't understand and start asking questions to understand what they fear...

That is probably not all...

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