Friday, September 26, 2014

Definition of "Lesbian"...

I'm so damn tired of hearing "You are not a true lesbian if..." I wish people would shut the hell up with that shit! It annoys me almost as much as someone saying some ignorant shit that they have no idea what they're talking about. OH WAIT!!! This would be one of those statements. SO guess what... It's ANNOYING me immensely!!!

Kari wrote a post on LLA the other night asking "Can you still be a Lesbian if you occasionally sleep with men?" Now this got all these "die hard" Lesbians up in arms. Talking about "People nowadays changing the meaning of the word Lesbian", "If you sleep with men you're bi sexual", and my absolute favorite "I'm assuming you don't know what the definition of a Lesbian is by asking this question...". So of course Kari and I looked up the definition of lesbian and homosexual. Gotta do our research... LOL!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other uses, see Lesbian (disambiguation).

The word lesbian can refer to a woman's identity, to desire, or to romantic or sexual activity between women. (Sappho and Erinna in a Garden at Mytilene by Simeon Solomon)
lesbian is a female homosexual; a female who experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to other females.[1][2] The term lesbian is also used with regard to sexual identity or sexual behavior, regardless of sexual orientation, or as an adjective to characterize or associate nouns with female homosexuality or same-sex attraction.[2][3]

Now I don't know about you but I don't see anywhere in that definition where it states that a Lesbian can not be attracted to men or even have a sexual relationship with a man. I don't see anywhere in that definition where it states that Lesbians can "ONLY" be attracted to other women and not men. We even searched "Urban Dictionary" and it stated the same thing as the definition above. So, I'm wondering if the woman who made the comment  "I'm assuming you don't know what the definition of a Lesbian is by asking this question..." ever looked up the meaning of the word Lesbian. I would render to guess that she has not! Or if she did she took the definition and interpreted the definition to fit her idea of what a Lesbian should be... You know like how people do with the bible... LOL!

If you actually step back and think about this definition even straight women have "Lesbian" relationships. It seems the word Lesbian is kind of broad. So women who have been in long term friendships could actually be considered Lesbian. I mean it's not purely based off of sex its also the "emotional connection" you have with another woman. Like my friends Tammy and Jennifer's relationship could in reality be considered a Lesbian relationship because of the "emotional connection" that they share with one another. They have been best friends for years. These two broads have a closer relationship than most women I know in an actual Lesbian relationship. They do everything except have sex and some days I question that part... LMAO just kidding ladies!!! But it states "regardless of sexual orientation" so technically their relationship could be considered Lesbian without the sex. Think about it...

SO...  I do believe the answer to Kari's question is a "yes", you can sleep with a man and still be a Lesbian. It's not all about the sex it's the emotional connection that you have with women that make you a lesbian as well as the sexual aspect. You don't have to sleep with a woman to be a Lesbian considering it says "regardless of sexual orientation". *SHRUGS*

Did you stop and think for a moment that maybe just maybe I just twisted the definition to fit my argument? Lets see... I really don't care what you think... Do YOUR own research and prove me wrong then I may actually give a shit what you think!!!

That is all...

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