Wednesday, September 17, 2014


I CAN NOT stand porn! I think that watching porn is the greatest waste of my time EVER! I just don't know the appeal. There's nothing sexy about it. It's just about pounding the female or male. The female on female porn is so damn unrealistic it makes me wonder if women actually have sex like that in real life.

I know it's supposed to be about the sex and nothing more but I like the intimacy of sex. I like the story behind how you get to the intimate part. "If these walls could talk 2" had one of the most intimate and sexy sex scenes I have seen in a long time. I want to see the actual foreplay and the kissing... That's what I think is sexy about a sex scene. Not some girl having to hock a loogie on her partner because she hasn't either gotten her turned on enough or she can't keep her turned on enough to keep her wet. I wish someone would hock a loogie on me... OH MY GOD!!! I would come so unhinged on her it would NOT be funny!

I always wondered what someone gets out of porn. What is it that gets someone going off of porn? I mean the noises aren't even realistic, the slapping of body parts together, the fact that half the time they can't even find the damn hole. I mean what is it? And then theres's the actual ejaculation...

I watched this girl on girl porn with one of my exes and half way through the show this chick "came" and I swore she pissed on the other girl!I was like "What the fuck just happened? Rewind that!" The girl actually just squirted but I was so disgusted by it I was done with porn after that. Now that I've seen it in person I think it's pretty HOT! But still...

OK back to ejaculation... Who in their right mind would let some guy pull out and then spew all over their face? I mean are you out of your ever loving mind with that crap? And then there's the getting it from behind scene and the guy spews all over her back... Is he going to wash her back when they are done? I can't reach my back like that without a brush. There's no way in hell that would ever happen. And don't get me started on the blow job scenes... UMMM NEVER!!! I would bite his shit off doin some nasty shit like that... Getting eye infections and shit cuz some idiot producer thinks it's hot for some dude to spew in her face.

Someone please explain why porn is a turn on... I just don't get it!

That is all...

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