Friday, September 19, 2014


Why is it that women in the lesbian community meet a woman and in two days they are in a relationship and in about six months one of them is screaming about how she trusted this woman and she let her down? The question is rhetorical! LOL I already have an opinion and I'm about to share.

For those of you out here steady screaming about how you "needed" this woman and she let you down. Let me ask you... How long did you know this woman before you decided to be in a relationship with her? Did you actually go on dates, talk on the phone, hell even talk in person, longer than 2 days, before you decided to be in a relationship with this woman? Did you ever ask her what her goals were, if she had a job, what her future plans were... You know, the important questions you should ask a serious future woman? There are questions that will help you determine if this woman is worthy of your time and effort or if you need to cut your loses and walk away. I asked Kari so many questions she probably thought I was interrogating her and to be honest in a way I was. I needed to know if I was just wasting my time or if this woman could be in a future serious relationship.

There are also questions that they ask that should send red flags as well. Questions like "How much do you make?"... "Do you have a car?"... "Do you live on your own?" or "Do you have your own place?". These are questions that should NEVER EVER EVER be asked within the first few days of talking to one another. These questions mean they are looking for a hand out. The other red flags to look for are comments like... "I'm in between jobs but I've been looking"... "I'm in a bad situation where I'm living now"... "My car needs work". They will start dropping these little hints after they get the answers to the questions above. Don't take the bait. You will end up being the girl talking about "I trusted her and she did me wrong. I gave her everything". You're an idiot because the signs were there. I know you wanna know if I was an idiot. The answer is HELL YES... The sex was good!!! LMAO... I'm not perfect just awesome!!!

If you don't remember anything else about this blog remember this... There are 3 types of women that you will come across:
1: The woman that you should just sleep with... This woman is not a friend and she damn sure isn't relationship material but she is good for the ego. She will satisfy all those animalistic hungers that you have but she is in no way a girlfriend waiting to happen. DO NOT... I repeat DO NOT fall for this woman. You would just be falling in love with the sex game not the person.
2: The friend zone woman... You are in no way attracted to this woman but she is an awesome person. She will listen to your bullshit and give you the greatest advice. She will do and say all the things that you wish your future girlfriend would say. DO NOT... I repeat DO NOT fall for this woman because she is a friend. She is there to give support not be your future partner. Keep her in friend zone... You will need her the next time you decide to do something stupid.
3: The woman you can become serious with... This woman will go slow with you.This woman will ask all the right questions and understand you in ways even your best friend doesn't understand at times. She will be the woman that you will move heaven and earth for. This woman will take ALL of your heart and you won't even know how it happened. You will just wake up months later and realize you have no idea how you got there but you definitely don't want to leave that comfortable spot.

What it boils down to is SLOW YOUR ROLL... What's the rush? Figure out what's going to make you happy and then go and start asking questions to the women you feel you are interested in. If they get all defensive keep it moving... They aren't worth your time. If the woman is patient with you and she doesn't seem put off by your questions then keep dating her and see where it goes. This women will not be put off by you going slow. She probably will even appreciate your efforts to actually get to know her.

Before you decide to jump into another relationship think about what you want out of a relationship. Think about what you want out of your future and does the woman you are talking to fit into your future plans. Does she have the same goals and ambitions? Ask yourself if she's actually doing the things to make those ambitions a reality. Talk is cheap without action. If the woman says she wants to be in her own place, have nice things and travel yet she's sitting on the couch playing video games and has no intentions of doing anything else guess what your next course of action should be!!! If the woman is on her grown business then stick around and see what happens. I'm not saying she is the right one but at least you will be on the right track. Think about which zone she should be placed into and proceed accordingly.

It took me a long time to figure this out. I had a lot of women that should've been placed in that first zone but I decided to say "Fuck it" and put them in the wrong zone. I didn't come off a lot of money nor did I ever wonder what went wrong because I knew. Knowing is half the battle. Now I have someone who "Gets me" so bring on the future!!!

That is all...

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