Sunday, September 14, 2014

My opinion... My Blog

I think I need to clarify a couple few things about my blogging habits. First of all I am not here to give advice. What I blog about is every day situations that I find interesting and have an opinion about. I'm not a therapist by any means so I'm not tryin to figure anybody out. It took me long enough to figure myself out.

I do not give advice unless someone asks for my advice on a topic. Fair warning... If you ask my advice be prepared to get a real answer and not that sugar coated bullshit you get from your "Advice Hustling" friends. I don't have time to be stroking your ego because you wanna be right about something knowing you're wrong. If that's what you're looking for PLEASE find someone else to ask. 

I am not your therapist so don't expect me to cure what ails your mind. I will listen to you all day if that's what you want and I'll give my advice if solicited but I can not cure you. Hell what I tell you about yourself may not be what you want or need at the time so you just might wanna go find a real therapist. I don't want to be responsible for you goin off the deep end and killin someone.

I do not use my blog to bestow advice upon anyone. I blog because I enjoy doin it and it amuses me sometimes. I blog because I've seen or heard a comment or post that I found to be absolutely asinine so I'll blog my two cents. Or I've seen an article that made me think really hard about our society. If what I blog pisses people off, makes someone smile or makes just one person rethink some things or maybe look at things in a different light or even shed some light on my thinking then I have done my due justice to the world.

If for some reason you do not like what I blog then by all means please comment with an intelligent arguement. If you are just goin to be ignorant with your responses remember this... ITS MY BLOG and you do not have to read MY BLOG!!! 

That is all...

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