Saturday, September 13, 2014

Lesbian police!

I am trying to figure out why the lesbian community is so hell bent on pigeon holing every lesbian. Who are you to say a fem can't date a fem or that it's gross for "studs" to be together. If we are having individuals from the community questioning the preference of another, how are we going to ever educate straight people? Who the hell are you anyway the "Lesbian police"? 

I'm pretty sure I am a better judge of my own preference of women than the next person. I really do know what I find attractive and if it's another "stud" then guess what... I will date a "stud"!!! I don't give a rats ass what you think, you don't have to date me and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be attracted to your judgmental ass anyway! 

If a fem dates another fem some of the community don't even take the relationship serious. Some can't understand what 2 feminine women do for one another. UMMM... Jackass it's 2 WOMEN! "Women" would be the operative word, which last time I checked that still made you a Lesbian.

And God forbid 2 studs are together... You'd swear up and down the world has started to rotate in the wrong direction on its axis! Are we serious with this kind of ignorant thinking?!! Why is it an abomination that 2 women, who both just happen to dress like a guy, are together? If they are comfortable in their own skin why are you sweating them? Maybe you need to do a self check and make sure you are comfortable in your own skin. And while you're at it possibly ask yourself why it makes a difference... They are still 2 WOMEN! Oh and by the way they're probably happier in their relationship than you are in yours because they are minding their own damn business! (Lol had to throw that in)

Our community is made up of very diverse women with very diverse tastes. Some of us love women of a different race. Some of us like fluffy women and some don't. Some of us want to take care of our women and some of us want an equal relationship. There are some who love to explore every avenue of sex and there are those of us who would be considered prudish. There are those of us who hate using a strap and those of us who will wear them around like they were born with it. Our tastes are so all over the board and yet we try to put stipulations and guidelines on what it means to be a Lesbian.

 Someone said the other day that if you don't like to do oral sex then you aren't a Lesbian... *Blank stare* Does that also mean a straight woman or even a straight man that doesn't like to give oral sex isn't straight? I mean how much sense does that really make in retrospect? So does that mean because I don't like to use a strap that I'm not a Lesbian even though I'm very good in other ways? When you say it out loud it sounds really ignorant if you ask me. Especially when many Lesbians don't even like oral sex... Does that make them any less of a Lesbian because they don't like oral sex or is it just the giver that's not a Lesbian? I'm very confused... Please explain this to me like I'm a 2yr old! (I'll be waiting on a response)

STOP JUDGING!!! If a person is happy with their choices and preferences in life, who are we to judge them for "their" choices? Who are we to say that only this type of woman or this type of thinking or this type of relationship makes you a Lesbian? I happen to find more feminine women attractive but it doesn't mean that I don't find bois, studs or stems attractive. I think that some have pretty eyes or a nice butt or whatever it is and if I were attracted to them physically what is the problem with that... She's still a woman. 

We need to start embracing one another as Lesbians and stop trying to play the "Lesbian Police". Just because someone's relationship does not fit into your stereotypical view of what a "Lesbian" relationship should look like doesn't make them any less of a Lesbian. Or their relationship any less valid. Sometimes the square peg and the round hole fit perfectly together...

That is all... 

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