Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Winter cuddle buddy time is upon us...

Well it's about that time of the year again when it gets cold and we are determined to find that "cuddle buddy" for the winter. Have you found yours? For those of you who live in warmer climates you may not understand the need for a "winter cuddle buddy".  So let me explain...

If you do not live in an area where the climate get's bitter cold, gloomy and simply put down right depressing you have no idea how important having a "winter cuddle buddy" can be. When the days get way too short and the weather outside makes you want to hibernate, having that person you can come home to and just put your cold body up against and feel their body heat... There's nothing quite like it.

When the weather is so crappy outside and going out to the club is just not about to happen but you don't want to be alone because it's just too damn depressing to be home by yourself, you will be wishing for that warm body. Someone you can just snuggle up with and watch a marathon of NCIS or SVU. You need that someone who can make the depressing long winter night not feel so long. You need that person who will just be there to make it easier to bare the fact that summer will not be coming around for several long agonizing brutal months.

It is interesting to watch the jockeying for "cuddle buddy's" around September and October. You don't want to get a "cuddle buddy" too soon because it's still warm enough to get that last summer fling in. However, you don't want to lose that one woman you have been keeping your eye on just for the "cuddle buddy" season. Getting a "cuddle buddy" is like the last call in the bar... You want to get the number of the girl you chatted with at the beginning of the night but you want to take home the girl you were basically screwing on the dance floor. Now you just have to figure out how to get your number to the girl you want to continue talking to without losing sight of the one you just want to sleep with. (I know I'm going to have to write a Blog about this because Kari will want to understand how you will make that happen... Curious minds want to know... LMAO!!!)

Now remember I called this the "winter cuddle buddy" because after the winter is getting ready to come to an end so will this "cuddle buddy" arrangement. DO NOT for one minute think this is a relationship. It is only to occupy the lonely winter nights, not a long term relationship. Don't get all in your feelings when your "cuddle buddy" says it's time to move onto the summer singledom... It's coming so be prepared! The only way you will survive the "winter cuddle buddy" status is if... NOPE theres's not going to be a survival tactic, you are a MEMORY!!! Just saying...

That is all...

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