Friday, September 12, 2014

Male identified woman and guy thinking is not so different...

Kari and I were having a discussion about a show she was watching...
Kari: The girl was crazy. And the stud let her back in the house, even after she stalked her on the phone all afternoon.
Me: Was she hot?
Kari: Uh... Not really.
Me: Did she have a nice body?
Kari: Yes.
Me: Well, there ya go
Kari: Really? Really?!! Have I been giving studs too much credit all this time?

Well... It's Kari so yes she has been giving studs too much credit about a lot of things. Ladies let me explain this very simply. Whether you are straight, lesbian or bi pay attention because this is how we think. Guys and male identified women are pretty much the same. We are so simple it's ridiculous! We don't want much and for the most part don't ask for much. We normally are not overthinking anything. We like what we like and we will go after it like we were hunting and gathering.

Now let's start with the letting a girl back into the house even tho she's crazy thing:
If we had sex, with a nice looking girl with an amazing body, and it was good. We don't give a shit if she is crazy because we are thinking about sleeping with her again not the fact that she is crazy. We will deal with that crazy bitch until we have decided we are tired of her craziness, which could last for months... LMAO!!!  Now if the girl sucks in bed you better believe we will be trying to figure out ways to get rid of her before we even finish having sex. Just saying ladies!

Let's discuss sports for a moment:
Yes most of us like sports. I am a fanatic when watching the 49ers! I will scream at the TV and act a fool when they do something stupid i.e. the Super Bowl. However, I will give my woman attention during commercials. I don't even mind her asking me questions, just not too many. I will get up during commercials to get my own beer or even have a cooler beside me. I really don't need her to do anything for me during the game cause I'll do it for myself during commercials. Here's the thing though... If you are one of those attention whore type of women PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE save that shit for after the game!!! Don't ask stupid questions like... "Don't you love me" because as much as I love you I'm loving my team more at the moment or "Don't you want me" well of course I want you but I want my team to win more at that moment... Ladies we will give you all the attention you want after the game is over. Our attention span is only so long when our sporting event is on and all that extra crap you are spewing is not being heard unless there's a commercial or the game is over. Please keep that in mind! We love you and want you we just can't focus on that when our team is playing.

Kari question "Why is it ok that you collect shoes. Yet I can't collect nail polish, make up, lip balm? How come that is silly shit? But you can stalk a mall for shoes... But if I go get nail polish you're all like 'you got too many'..." She was on a roll! LMAO:
Here's my answer... I wear ALL of my shoes woman! I have a pair of shoes to match every outfit that I own. You on the other hand have 56 bottles of nail polish that look all alike!!! You have over 800 bottles of nail polish and yet you need more of the same color? The only thing that has changed about nail polish is the name because the colors are all the same. There's not a rhyme or reason for it and on top of that you DON'T wear an 1/8th of them. They are so old the dust on the bottles have given birth and the contents is no longer nail polish it has formed into a science experiment... LMAO!!! And I know you are hating me right now but I'M RIGHT!!!

I could go on all day and I am sure there are a lot of other things you would like to know. If you'd like to get a real answer just ask me and I'll tell you the truth... Don't be scared to ask. I'm full of good info and remember there are no stupid questions...

Waiting for your questions...

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