Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Random thoughts...

If I'm cooking and I ask you if you'd like for me to make you some and you say "No" do not expect me to share my damn food. I am not going to go hungry and or cook more food for myself because you decided not to speak up when I asked. I'd rather you say "Yes" and then not eat it than to say no and breathe all over my food until I ask you if you want some. My Geeps got so bad about it that I now hesitate for several minutes and then ask him if he's sure. Then I have to wait a few more moments for him to decide how much he wants. It could be upwards of an hour before I start to cook. LOL

I was sitting at the table eating lunch. I had just went and got McDonalds and my fries were still blazing hot, when I still ate fast food. Y'all know how good McDonalds fries are when the are still blazing hot! This fool, who I knew never washed his damn hands, put his damn hands in my friggin fries. I could've spit fire!!! I don't understand what would possess someone to help themselves to my friggin fries. I about lost my mind... Get real I did lose my mind!!! I came so unglued... I asked him what would possess him to put his fuckin hands in my fries without asking and then I got up and threw my whole lunch away... I was a little pissed! I dropped several more F-Bombs and this ignorant  moron asked me why I didn't just give him the food *if looks could kill* I thought he was about to piss himself. If I knew I wouldn't get fired I probably would've jumped on him, that's how mad I was at the time.

I don't do buffets because I don't know what they think that stupid sneeze guard is protecting. I don't understand the point of the sneeze guard. Do they know little kids aren't that tall? And do they know people walk off the street and don't wash their hands? So, my mom decided I needed to go to a buffet because my Geeps likes that nasty ass Golden Coral. I almost hand a meltdown...  won't lie. All I could see was these people touching my food with their nasty ass unwashed hands and these little kids sneezing all over my food before I got there. Needless to say I didn't go, I just couldn't.

Kari says food for me is real... Well yea it is! I enjoy eating good food and I enjoy it even more when it's not getting ruined by someone either interrupting my meal or doing discussing things while I eat or me thinking about the discussing things that people could possibly do to it while I'm not looking. That's why I don't think about what they do to my food when I can't see them cooking it. LOL sounds crazy I know but don't care... Out of site out of mind!

That is random...

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