Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My shoe obsession...

Ok... Kari and I have been having this discussion about my obsession with shoes and she just doesn't understand the logic behind it so I decided to help her understand. I know some of y'all can relate.

I have always worked in very physically demanding jobs and wearing nice clothes and shoes was way out of the question. I would go shopping and see nice clothes and shoes and just want to get them but what was the point when I would destroy them. Besides, it wouldn't be practical to wear nice clothes and shoes when I'm throwing mulch, dirt, toilets and that kind of freight.

I would watch these people walk into the stores dressed in their work clothes and I would be so appalled with the way that they dressed. Black belts with brown shoes drives me crazy. And havin on blue pants with a shirt that should actually go with black pants and black shoes... SMH!!! I think what drove me insane the most was when these guys would have on black shoes with white socks. Come on people... Why have on expensive ass clothes and not be able to coordinate the shoes with the outfits or the accessories with the outfits?!!

When I got promoted I realized I could start dressing like I wanted on certain days and my trip to Atlanta was like dressing up central for me. I already had the clothes and I'd be damn if I wore nice outfits with some raggedy ass shoes that didn't match my outfits. 

I love dress shoes! I will find a pair of shoes and then buy an outfit or shirt to match the shoes. I love color on shoes... Black and brown shoes have their place but every so often you have to have a little color. I searched high and low until I found a pair of blue wingtips because I have a few shirts that will match and besides they are sexy with jeans. I saw a pair of shoes in Atlanta that I had to have and made the girl hunt them down until she found my size. She was probably sick of me but guess what... Didn't give a rats I wanted my shoes! 

I have an unhealthy obsession with shoes and I have no idea why... I blame my mother!!! LMAO... The woman has about 200 pairs of shoes and if you think I'm joking next time I'm at home I'll have to take a pic just to prove my point. My brother is the same way. The dude is ridiculous and he will pay upwards of $150 on a pair of shoes and then sell them on ebay... LOL. I on the other hand will find what I like on sale but every so often I will drop over $100 if the shoes are sexy. And don't let me see a shirt that I really like... I will hunt to the ends of the earth until I find the RIGHT pair of shoes to match the shirt.

I will not lie... Even when I didn't have this job and I was throwing mulch my shoes matched what I wore. I'm obsessed with Nike Shox. I have a pair of Shox to match every hoody I own, well except my green hoody. I created a pair of Chuck Taylor's just because I didn't have a pair of shoes to match a pair of shorts I own...  I'M OBSSESSED!!!  

I have to do it... There's no rhyme or reason it just is...  I hope this helps you Pook! 

That is all...


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