Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My man child aka Geeps... Respect your elders

I am very protective of my Geeps. I know I only have so much time left with him and I want to cherish every moment. I don't know how anyone can mistreat their elders. I mean my Geeps drives me to drink some days but he's still my Geeps and I love him more than life itself. I watch how people talk to their elders and it's disturbing that an individual can talk like that to someone who either gave them life and or raised them. How do you out and out cuss out someone who raised you to the best of their ability? It's mind boggling.

I watch people walk right past an older individual who may need help and never look twice or even bother to ask if they need help. They may turn you down but you never know if you don't even ask. I stand in line at the store and watch these punk ass cashiers get an attitude with an elderly customer if they are being "too slow". Fuck, you get paid by the damn hour what's the rush?!! And FUCK those ignorant bitches behind the elderly person because they can easily go to another line. I talk mad shit when I see that crap. LOL I know that shocks some of you...

I know this... If someone EVER talked to my Geeps or acted a fool towards him I would lose my ever lovin mind! I would come so far unhinged it wouldn't even be funny. Show some damn respect to your damn elders. They went through a lot so your raggedy ass can have the freedoms that you now take for granted. Not all of them were in the military or marched next to Martin Luther King Jr. but you better bet your ass that they went through their own realities to make life easier for your parents and possibly you. If you took the time to talk to an elderly person it's better than reality tv.

Geeps and I went runnin around today... Well I run around while he sits in the car and goes for the ride. We went to our final destination today and if you know my Geeps he is never in a hurry... EVER!!! Lol I could tell him we are leaving in an hour and I have to give him at least another hour to get out of the door. So we are meandering around the place and it's a small place and if you know my Geeps he will take up the whole aisle without thinkin about other people being able to get past... Lmao I have to tell him to scoot over. It amuses the hell out of me and for the most part people will wait him out. Why they don't just say "excuse me" is beyond me... Could be I'm behind him daring their ass to say some off the wall shit to him... LMAO!!!

Anyway, we were at this place called "Just Good Meats",  they have some amazing cuts of meat by the way. We were starting to pay for our purchase and this woman behind us was doin the "ho hum" noise behind us. Now I mentioned above my Geeps is NEVER in a hurry and besides that he shouldn't have to be when it's his turn in line. Stupid cow should've beat us there but alas she did not. As she was making her ignorant noises I finally turned around and stared at her for a moment. Normally I would make some kind of crazy comment but I try to curb the attitude problem when I'm with my Geeps cause he makes the comment "You're just like your mother" way too often. Not that that's a bad thing but I don't want to embarrass him... LOL a lot!

It took us a good little bit at the register because I decided to ask a bunch of questions... LOL bet she won't "ho hum" my ass again! Unfortunately for this stupid cow she was parked right next to my passenger side of the car and of course it takes my Geeps  forever to get into the Jeep so guess what, she had to wait on us again. As I walked past her I started to acknowledge her and she gave me attitude so I laughed at her. FUCK YOU LADY!!! I don't give a shit if you have to wait an hour while he gets into the Jeep with that raggedy ass attitude!

For those of you who mistreat your elders remember this, you ignorant bitches; you will be that age one day and I hope your ass gets treated just like you treat your elders. I hope when you walk through a door and someone doesn't hold it for you. I hope if you need help with your bags someone just walks straight past your stupid ass. I hope when you are in line at the store some punk ass kid is talking mad shit and rushing you along. Then I hope after you feel the pain that you put another elderly person through that there is someone there who loves you more than their next breath and they help you through the rest of your days. I hope you teach someone that it's not cool to disrespect anyone no matter what their age...

That is all...


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