Monday, June 16, 2014

Being called "daddy" and or "Papi"

I don't understand these females that like to be called "daddy" and or "papi". I was called "daddy" once and I almost fell over laughing. I'm not your damn "daddy" I'm your girlfriend, your woman, your partner or whatever you want to call me that's not "daddy" or "papi" or any other male identified name. I don't understand this phenomenon!

I was talkin to this girl one night and she said to me "I want a daddy for my son." I said "You realize I'm a lesbian, right?" She said to me "Yes, I'm a lesbian too, but I need a daddy for my son." *silence and confusion* She says to me during my puzzlement "I want someone who is more manly looking so that my son identifies her as more of a male figure." *still in shock from the ignorance spewing from her mouth* Finally after the shock is starting to wear off I say "I'm no ones daddy! And I'm not goin to allow you or anyone else to call me daddy. As a matter of fact that has to be the most ignorant thing I've ever heard!!!" WTF? If you want a male figure for your son then hunt down a guy friend or an uncle or brother or whomever you choose... A woman is a woman FOOL!!! She will never be a "daddy" or a "papi"!!! I can teach a boy how to play sports or even how to pee. I can even show him how to treat a woman but I will never ever ever be a man! 

I was laying on the couch one night and this girl I was seeing straddled my lap and said to me all sexy "I want you right now papi." She was being or trying to be all sexy and my ignorant ass almost knocked her off the couch from laughing so damn hard. Needless to say that relationship lasted about 5 more minutes. She was so pissed! She told me she thinks it's sexy and that I need to grow up. I told her "I'm not your damn papi! I didn't give birth to you nor did I have any part in the conception so don't call me papi!" Of course I was still LMAO!!! And she grabbed her stuff and left... Oh well, life definitely goes on.

When I see posts on pages that I like on FB and the femme is like " My daddi holds it down for me..." or " My studsband..." I have to double check and reread the sentence again to make sure I'm reading that crap correctly... YOUR WHAT?!!  Really?!! I can't even wrap my head around those comments. I know it's a preference and your choice but it makes me wonder if you are trying to disconnect from being a woman. Yes you may be dating a more feminine woman and you may be more masculine looking or masculine identified but you're still a woman. When you take your clothes off you do not have any extra dangly things goin on unless you bought it, so why the disconnect from your female identity? 

I correct people all the time when they call me "sir" because the last time I checked I wasn't a "sir". Yes I have short hair and I wear guy clothes because that's what I'm comfortable wearing. Doesn't mean I want to be a "sir". Besides how the hell does one call me "sir" and I have a nice rack?!! I love being a woman, best gender ever in life, minus that period thing... I wouldn't trade it for the world. I am not anyone's "daddy" or "papi", I am a woman who happens to love women... 

That is all

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