Sunday, June 1, 2014

"She gets me"

You ever try to put your feelings about someone into words and the words just don't come? You rack your brain tryin to describe the feelings that the person invokes in you and no words seem deep enough or effective enough to describe how the person makes you feel? That's where I am at right now. I've been trying to find eloquent words to describe my feelings and the only words that come to mind are "she gets me". 

"She gets me" has bounced around in my head for the last 24hrs and it dawned on me that those words are the only words that have mattered over the last year. I have waited for someone who "gets me". Someone who gets my competitive nature, someone who gets the way I deal with stress, someone who gets I'm goin to obsess over insane things, someone who gets how I show affection (I am far from traditional). Someone who gets who I am and doesn't try to change how I am but embraces and cares for me even more because of my uniqueness.

"She gets me"... Simple words can be so eloquent when the meaning behind them are so strong and revealing. I hope you have the opportunity to find that person that "gets you" because it is one of the most intense feelings ever! 

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