Friday, June 27, 2014

Old fashioned... PS no bodily functions

I realized that I am really enjoying the old fashioned way of dating. I am very comfortable with not kissing on the first date and definitely not having sex until the time is right. I like the idea of getting to know someone on an emotional and spiritual level before knowing them on a physical level. I think as a whole I have jumped into some physical relationships thinking it was deeper when in actuality it was just physical confusion. 

I swore to myself I'd stay celibate until I was 100% sure that the person I was dating was that right person. Not that I thought I'd ever be 100% sure but I wanted to have a very good idea about the direction the relationship was goin, which meant I was going to get to know the person on an emotional level come hell or high water. Thus far I have accomplished my goal.

I met Kari in an unorthodox way... Well I guess it isn't really unorthodox any longer. I met her on a page I liked on FB. I had "met" several women that way and they all were the source of my amusement over the course of a year. Then I met Kari and I just assumed she would amuse me until I was bored and then I'd delete her too. I was pleasantly surprised when we were able to hold a conversation longer than 10 minutes without me saying some smartass comment and pissing her off... On purpose of course lol! We talked for hours on end for months. I asked so many damn questions I should've scared her off and if the question asking didn't scare her off the constant telling her of my insane habits should have but like a glutton for punishment she stuck around. I'm glad she did.

The hardest thing, which has also been a good thing, is that we are in an LDR. We have seen each other in person a couple times now and I have yet to kiss her. Every time we see each other it's like I'm meeting someone for the first or second time even though we are constantly on the phone, face timing or texting. I mean I know more about her than almost anyone I have ever dated yet I feel like if I make a move on her it would be too soon. I have no idea why I feel this way but it feels right. I feel like I am not in any hurry because I have a lifetime with her. I know she probably feels like I don't like her or I'm still contemplating whether I want to be with her but in all actuality I'm just comfortable in her presence and feel no need to rush. 

I feel that everything will happen when it's supposed to happen and not before. I am very ok with that idea.

That is all...

Oh by the way not bodily functions as of yet... Let me tell you how bummed I am lol

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