Friday, June 6, 2014

Why do people pass over your posts

So you're wondering why people are not commenting or liking your posts on fb? First off why do you give a shit? If you felt the need to write it and you thought it was funny or thought provoking then that is enough. However, there are those who need the validation that the likes and comments provide. 

For those who need that validation lets peruse your FB posts... Are your posts always a Debbie Downer? Example: "If I died tomorrow what is the one thing you'd remember me for?" My ignorant ass would pass that post up because if you know me well enough you'd know I'd say something like, "If you died tomorrow I wouldn't have to read your sad ass downer posts any longer!" But since I like you I'd pass that post up for the sake of our friendship.

Are you that person that posts what you have done minute by minute of every day? Example: "Got up late."... "Ate some toast."... "Took a shower before work."... "The boss pissed me off. Said I'd be fired if I was late one more time."... "Got to my desk and my pen was missing." ARE YOU GETTING THE POINT? We don't give a rats! My ignorant ass would pass up those posts because if you know me well enough I'd say something like, "Will you please get laid already?!!! We don't care foooo!!!" But since I like you I'd pass those posts up for the sake of our friendship.

Last but definitely not least... Are you that person that posts about the love of your life every hour when everyone knows your relationship is in trouble? Example: You just told me not 2 hours ago that your girlfriend just moved out and y'all were taking a break for awhile. I check FB an hour later and I read this... "Me and my baby are so in love! We are discussing getting married in the fall of next year. She is the love of my life and I can't see myself with anyone but her. Love you bae!" My ignorant ass is thinking in my head..."Didn't this fool just tell me her and her girl were taking a break and her girl was moving out not more than 2 hours ago?" I really really wanna comment what's running through my head but for the sake of our friendship and your embarrassment I just keep it moving!!!

So before you make that next post wanting to get the validation from your friends think to yourself "Is this post goin to be one that my friends will like and comment good things or is this going to be a post that my ignorant ass friends will pass over for the sake of our friendship?"

That is all...

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