Monday, June 16, 2014

Date someone with kids

Kari asked me the other day if I'd date a woman with kids, if she died of course. Smh... She's killin herself off before we even start good. Lol anyway, I told her I would. Well today I had to rethink that answer.

 I was at Walmart and I watched this little monster throw himself on the floor after his mother told him no. Of course I had to slow my walk to see what this woman was going to do. She starts negotiating with this kid. Ummm... Oh hell no!!! I wish I would've throw a fit in the store. My mom would've negotiated a damn belt, or whatever she got her hands on, to my ass. There wouldn't have been any negotiating with Karen. 

Today as I'm running freight out I hear this teenage boy cuss at his mother while the father just stood there. *mouth hanging open* I slow down just to hear what was about to happen. I'm thinkin at least the dad will say something. NOPE! The mom just said "We aren't getting that right now." Ummm... Oh hell no!!! I wish I would've cussed at my mom, I'd still be pickin myself and my teeth up off the floor! Are you kidding me with this crap?!! Karen wasn't playin that shit... Hell there are days when I accidentally let words fly and she's like "I know you were upset but..." Yes I'm still scared of the crazy lady... Lol!

The girl that said she needed a "daddy" for her son told me her 5yr old son "deserved" any and everything he wanted. *blank stare* He's 5yrs old how does he deserve any and everything he wants? Does this dude have a job? Is he paying bills? I'm confused. What has he done to deserve everything and anything he wants? I asked her "Does he have a roof over his head, food in his stomach and clothes on his back?" Her reply "Yea." So I asked her "Then I'm confused. What is it that makes you think he deserves everything and anything?" She said "Because he does and he shouldn't have to want for anything." In my head I'm like "whoa!" Then she tells me this kid is bad. I wonder why. Could it be that you give him every and anything? He doesn't earn anything, he's bad as hell in school and he doesn't listen to this girl because at 5yrs old this little boy feels entitled. It doesn't matter what he does or how he acts he's going to get whatever he wants. Would I date this fool? HELL NO!!! For 3 reasons... 1- she wanted a "daddy" for her son (see blog "being called daddy or papi"), 2- I refuse to reward bad behavior and 3- I refuse to buy any kid any and everything they want. What the hell do I look like First National Bank? I don't even get any and everything that I want and I work my ass off.

I know not all kids are little monsters of diabolical death but more often than not kids now a days are disrespectful little devil spawn. These days kids are getting anything they want and don't have to earn it. They don't know the meaning of "earn". We are bringing up "entitled" children. There's so much stuff that we didn't have as kids but we still figured out how to have fun and if we wanted something we figured out how to earn money to get it. In my household you better have earned the money to get what you wanted because if Karen found out you stole something... OMG... Life as we knew it would've been over!!!

My mom was hard on us but I think we are better people for it. None of us have prestigious careers but we all earn a decent living and we have manners. I digress! So, Kari to answer your question again... I will never date another woman with kids. Unless the kids are grown as hell and out of the house living on their own raising their own little terrors of entitlement! 

That is all... 
Kari stop askin me crazy ass death questions

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