Saturday, June 21, 2014


Again I got distracted from my original blog topic but I had to put this out there...

I have a huge aversion to feet... HUGE!!! I think feet are the ugliest part of the human body. There are some that are better than others but for the most part feet are just gross to me. I don't want your feet on me or near me. What's funny is I'm quick to put my cold ass feet on my partner in the winter. Lol I don't care if it's not fair, it's funny!

 I wish I could make people who like to walk barefoot or wear flip flops check their feet at the door in restaurants where I'm eating. I was at this place picking up an order when I just happened to look down and this woman's feet almost made me gag! I mean her feet looked like she had dug the Grand Canyon with her feet! This woman's feet were GREY! She would've needed a damn road scraper to get all the dried.... OMG GAGGING!!! There isn't enough lotion in the universe to help those dry and crusty feet! I bet when she gets home she wants to put those things on her partner... I would throw a stroke!  Why in the hell would you come out the house with those things showing? Do you have no shame? Apparently she had no shame nor lotion.

I was at work one day and I was helping this dude and again I just happened to look down... WTF? This dudes toe nails were... How do I describe this ridiculousness?!! First of all if you're going to wear flip flops invest in nail clippers, 9 inch nails is a band not a damn way to keep your toe nails. CUT THAT SHIT! If you can dig a damn trench with your toe nails it's time to cut them. Second if your feet are black as hell and the rest of you is damn near the color of powder... Do I really need to say more? Apparently I do because this fool didn't get the memo. All I can say is maybe invest in work boots. Dude probably goes home and doesn't even wash them crusty bastards. Got his nasty ass feet all over the furniture.

Last but definitely not least... If your toe nails are black, crusty and look like tree bark, they make medication for that now. You don't even have to have a prescription they sell that shit right over the counter. Stop walking out of the house in flip flops making the neighbors dog think you are throwing a tree branch at it every time you take a step. Makes me think of that movie where the guy turned into a tree, starting at his damn toe nails. Maybe it was a cartoon... Lol whatever you get the point. I bet y'all nasty ass put your feet on your partner too. Just nasty! 

I have no idea what my point was... OH YEA!!! Kari if you ever get any ideas that I will rub your feet, think again Pook! It probably won't happen unless I'm drunk or if you just get out of the shower and that's pushing it. If you ever think that it's cute to put your feet on me while we are watching a movie please think twice, you may end up on the floor. I'll drop you like I just saw the biggest spider ever! Just fair warning... LMAO!!

That is all...

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