Let me explain a couple things:
1~ If I tell you I'm paying for something then it will get taken care of. If whatever I said I was going to pay for happens to go up in price that is no way shape or form your problem! I will still get it because my word means more than most!
2~ If you are not paying for said item then shut up! I don't want to hear anything out of your mouth especially if it's speaking nonsense. If you are letting me know where I can get the item cheaper then I am more than happy to listen to you. However, if you are spewing nothing but attitude out of your mouth then don't speak!!!
I am not about to have someone giving me attitude when they are coming out of pocket ZERO dollars. I said I will handle it and I will... But bet your ass it'll never ever happen again because I'm not about to listen to attitude about what I am paying for ever again!!!
Definitely not all...
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