Sunday, June 29, 2014


My mom always said that in order to get better sometimes you have to let go of some people... "It's not that they aren't or haven't been an important part of your life but if they are staying stagnate then so are you." This piece of advice didn't sink in until a few years ago when I moved to Omaha. I was hanging with a group of people who were fun to party with but a year went by and a handful of us were slowly getting our lives together and a lot more were still doing the same old things. Still wanting to party but had no money to party with or a car to get to the party. Always "borrowing" from those of us who were getting it together. 

I have very few close friends because I don't think you need a ton of "friends" to validate your exsistance in the world. Not everyone you befriend can be trusted, therefore some people should not be considered a "close" friend. I think all people can be put into 4 categories:

1~ Close friend... Someone you don't have to see or talk to on a regular basis but you know if you need them for whatever reason they are always there... No questions asked no explanations needed.

2~ Friends... People I have known for years and can see in a bar hang out with and catch up but they wouldn't be the first person you go to if you needed something.

3~ Aquaintence... Someone you can party with but that's about it. You don't trust them as far as you can throw them but they're good when you need to have a good time.

4~ People who rub you wrong... There are people you meet that you instantly can't stand. There is something about them that you just can't put your finger on but you know they will never ever be in your circle unless you are forced to have them around for whatever reason (ie. work).

I think people need to realize when they've outgrown an individual... It would make their life a lot more peaceful. Either your friends need to grow as you grow or they need to be left behind and you need to find people who are on the same page or a few pages ahead so they can help you better yourself. Nothing wrong with revisiting but remember they aren't where you want to be...

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