Sunday, June 8, 2014


Kari and I were chatting Sunday about her church experience. She had to give a speech about conflict in her church. I was proud that she gave a speech about conflict because she avoids it like the plague. What I find really amusing is that she's dating someone who will embrace conflict when it arises. Not that I go looking for it but I definitely am not going to run from it. She's dating someone who's motto has become "fuck what people think", not all people of course. I do value some opinions but for the most part I really don't give a rats what people have to say. Most people can't even get their shit together yet they are the first and the quickest to open their mouth and spew out so much BS they're going to choke on it. Making you wish you had worn wading boots because the shit is getting so thick it's messing up your expressive shoes.

I'm proud of her because when we first met she would sooner cross the street and wrestle a pitbull than face the possibility that someone would be upset about what she would have to say. Now she is speaking eloquently about conflict and teaching me that there are better ways to express telling someone to "fuck themselves" than to actually say those exact words. Lol I love the F-bomb by the way... LOVE IT!!! Inappropriate as it may be at times it is effective 😜 and necessary in certain situations! She is making me understand that patience and understanding is necessary in certain situations. I am really really not a patient person... Lol I know that shocks people! On the flip side she is starting to understand that as much as being patient is great, at some point you have to speak loudly so you are being heard over the BS that people choose to keep spewing.

Kari was so adorable when she called and said her speech went well. I was so proud of her because it isn't easy to stand up in front of a group of your peers let alone a church congregation and discuss conflict, especially when you grow up in a church family. You are taught to "put on airs" as I call it... You never have problems and everything is always perfect in your life. Don't you go to church to avoid conflict? I have learned over the last couple months that even churches have its share of conflict. Who would've thunk it?!!

We all love when things run smoothly and everyone is on the same page. However, this is the real world and not everyone has the same outlook on every situation. Thank god cause my life would be boring. I love to debate, it keeps me on my toes and hopefully I learn something in the process. Conflict can help people like Kari realize that sometimes it's necessary in order to grow. It also can help people like me learn to be patient, that not every conflict can be resolved by having a "fuck you" mentality.
That is all...

1 comment:

  1. It's so true! I do want people to hold hands and have a coke and a smile most of the time. And I continually get upset when I realize that people don't think the way that I do (which is the right way to think, by the way) and actually have opinions that go against what most people with common sense have! It's almost painful seeing people in a human light instead of the rose color hue I typically see people in. So -- um -- "thank you" for that. (?) LOL! You are teaching me a lot, cupcake. Thanks for helping me with conflict. I'm proud of me, too!
