Friday, June 6, 2014

Taking my posts serious

Lol ok yes I make some crazy posts. And yes I say some off the wall things that strike a chord with some people. But let me ask you this... I know most of the people on my FB page but how many people on my page can say I'm in their life or I know what they did yesterday? Not too many. I think it's cool that I can keep up with people and watch their kids grow up and torture them like they tortured their parents (Adam Brown and Katia Taylor had one of the cutest little boys ever). Lol karma fools karma! Hence the reason I don't have kids I thought that karma thing thru. I can see buddy's no one thought would amount to anything become teachers, ceo's, coaches, you name it. I see people meet the love of their life, get engaged (Ann Marriott) or married (Mrs. Alicia Stallings) and I think there is actually hope for me even at 41. 
Yes I make some comments you may not agree with that's just life and I like to debate so it's all good. I may make comments you may take to heart but why? I honestly don't know your situation I'm speaking from my own experiences. I work in retail and my life is full of people who do the most ignorant things in the world. You know like breath! When I moved to Omaha I met some of the most worthless entitled individuals I have ever known. They make me look at my paycheck every 2 weeks and want to go over to their house and punch them in the face. Why you ask because 1/3 of my damn check is gone before I see it and most of its taxes to support their entitled ass! So I may post something about lazy ass people. 
So the next time I go off the deep end think to yourself "she doesn't know my situation nor is she in my life." And if you still take what I say to heart then maybe just maybe you need to do some self reflection. What is it that I said, a near stranger, that set you off to the point of making ridiculous comments on my post? Just a thought...

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