Monday, June 23, 2014

Blowing your nose

There has got to be some kind of etiquette when it comes to blowing your nose. Like take your ass to the bathroom to do it! If you just can't make it to the restroom leave the room where people are eating. Why is it as soon as I start eating someone decides to blow their damn nose? Usually it's when I'm eating something with the texture of the sounds coming from your friggin nose. Hence the reason I don't eat raisens! 

I was sitting in the breakroom the other day and I was just about to take a bite of my baked beans and this fool decides to blow his nose. Take that shit to another room! I'm looking at those baked beans, which I know are delicious, but I couldn't bring myself to eat them at that given time. So I'm like "Dude you're fuckin killin me! Why can't you do that nasty shit somewhere else? People are eating." Him "Sorry Jay I just had to blow my nose." I'm just damn disgusted "Do that shit somewhere else when people are eating. That's just ridiculous!" One down several to go...

I was chatting with Kari about this one day and she brought up the fact that people blow their nose in a handkerchief. That shit is nasty and worse than blowing in a tissue because at some point you have to wash that damn thing. I would be so pissed if someone washed their buggar soaked handkerchief in with my clothes. Dried up buggars getting washed in with my clothes and you know once they're in the wash they're no longer dry. Now I have buggars all over my clean clothes! Then I put these buggar filled clothes in the dryer and now I have baked on caked on buggars on my clean clothes... I'll pass! Keep your nasty ass handkerchiefs to yourself!!!

I CANT TAKE IT!!! Have some common courtesy when doin your nasty habits. Not everyone is ok with your disgusting blowing the nose habits. Especially in public places where I'm paying for my food. How is it you can go to a nice restaurant and blow your damn nose over a plate of expensive food? I really don't understand. Not only are you runining an expensive plate of goodness but you are ruining my plate of expensive goodness by listening to your nasty ass blowing your nose. Honestly I don't care if I'm sittin in McDonalds I don't want to hear you blow your damn nose! Get your lazy ass up and go to the bathroom!!! I wanna drop kick their nasty ass into the bathroom truth be told... Smh just ridiculous!!!

That is all...

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