Geeps~ "Didn't you take a shower before you went to work?"
Me- "Yep but I need another shower."
Geeps~ "Well why do you need another shower?"
Me- *confused look* "Umm... Because I was sweating."
Geeps~ "What were you sweating for?"
Me- *laughing* "What? Are you the shower nazi again?"
Geeps~ "Just don't know why you need another shower." *serious as hell*
Me- *still laughing* "I know it's hard to believe but I do work hard and sweat Mr. Shower Nazi."
(5 minutes and crazy conversation later)
Geeps~ "Ok go take your shower." *As he's laughing*
Me- *smh*
Lol like my taking a shower more than once a day is going to cause droughts around the world and end civilization as we know it! Apparently I'm supposed to take a shower once a week and that's on Saturday... Lmao gotta love my geeps!