Saturday, June 14, 2014


I was thinkin about the guys I work with and it amuses me to be called "boss" or "chief". Even though I am the "boss" I don't feel like I'm the "boss". In my mind my job is to direct, train, learn and be the buffer between my guys and my boss. I feel like I work "with" my guys... They don't work "for" me. I lose my mind every so often when they aren't doin what I expect but that's very far and few in between. I don't micro-manage because I feel I shouldn't have to if people know what I expect. I think I've written 2 people up in my entire life because I hate paperwork and there's ways to get someone who is unproductive to quit. You know like make them productive. Lol

I had a kid I called "Minion", and yes before the movie came out, this kid was absolutely ridiculously lazy. He told me one night that he would talk to me so he wouldn't have to do as much work. For two weeks straight I made this kid work his ass off! If you've ever been to Home Depot to buy mulch, dirt, rock or pavers you know that it's a pretty decent sized garden area. I made this kid condense every paver pallet and every rock pallet, literally every pallet, for two weeks straight. I thought he'd quit but that kid hung in there and became one of the best workers I've ever had. I went on vacation and when I came back they said he didn't miss a beat, he had that place looking amazing every night. The sad part is when I switched positions and he was no longer my "Minion" he slid because he had no one telling him what they expected.

I've worked with some amazing guys over the years and the crew I have now is no exception. They have busted their asses when I needed and have had my back 100% of the time. In turn I stick up for them even when I know they are wrong and I treat them with respect, even when I'm losing my mind it's all about the love lol. I've blasted individuals for calling themselves trying to "flex" on my guys... You know the "I'm a supervisor and you will do what I say" type of people. Ummm... "Hell no they won't do what you say because I'm pretty sure if they're doing something then I've asked them to do it so you might... Let me rephrase you better come ask me first before you start "flexing" on my guys." I got some flack about the way I handled the "flexer" but it is what it is.

I have taken my share of criticism about my management style. For instance when I lose my mind I'll be like, "Are you fuckin kiddin me with that shit right now?!!" Yes it may be a little harsh but sometimes people can't understand the words that are coming out of my mouth when I'm nice... Lmao. Basically if I'm being nice and you don't do what I ask, then suck it up buttercup, when I start losing my mind. I've also been criticized about being "buddy buddy" with my crew. *shrugs* Possibly but if you are with people more than you're family then they pretty much become family. I had a kid who would text me in the middle of the night just to chat about every day life. I didn't mind I was awake anyhow and he needed someone to chat with who would be honest. He text me one night after a couple weeks of what I called "self pitying bullshit". He talked awhile and I finally asked him if he wanted my honest opinion. His mistake or maybe his savior was asking my honest opinion. I gave him my "honest" opinion and for about 30 minutes I unloaded on this kid. The next few weeks I saw a change and I was glad to see it because he's a good kid and deserves to give himself a chance. Yes he's suffering consequences right now but at least he's on the right track. Am I a part in that change? Of course he had to do it because he wanted to but my listening to his venting and my honesty I hope helped push him in the right direction.

I have worked in an all male dominated field my whole adult life and to earn the respect from guys is like pulling teeth. It can be down right brutal. Some days I just wanted to give up but I'm too damn stubborn for that loser crap! I remember being in Peoria, Il and pulling a pallet of pizzas taller than myself up a ramp that was ridiculously steep while 3 big ass guys watched me. I did this for a week by myself because I'll be damned if I ask someone for help when it's obvious that I might have needed help. The second week the same 3 guys finally asked if I'd like some help, with a smile on my face I answered "No thanks I got it." After that they would always speak and automatically help without asking me if I needed help.

I find managing guys and having them call me "boss" or "chief", as silly as it may sound, is a sort of right of passage. I feel like I've done my job... I've earned my stripes so to speak. I feel like I've done everything I was supposed to do to make a comfortable, cohesive, tolerable place to work. It may be hell some days but they always know that I appreciate everything that they do on a daily basis. I'm not blowing smoke when I tell them that I appreciate everything they have done. They know I mean it because I don't reward bad behavior and I don't compliment when it's not warranted.

I hope at the end of the day that I have given all I can give and hopefully I have been a positive influence on their work experience because they have been on mine. I have learned a lot and will take what I have learned with me to my next position. Next Friday will be a really hard day for me... That's the day I have to let go of my guys and allow someone else to hopefully add positive energy to an already amazing crew. I also hope that person will learn as much from them as I have...

Closing a chapter to begin another... Much love 2109 FFT 

1 comment:

  1. From my past managerial exp, employees work better for you when you canbe their friend ans their boss. There is an extra amount of respect given. They care about pleasing their friends. And you, my friend, are a dear friend to me... and my "chief". I do my best to please you and do what i can to help you out. We/I appreciate everything you have done for us. You are going to be deeply missed and it will never be the same without you. Your the best "chief" i've had. Never going to be another like you.
